After trying (and failing, and barely surviving the aftermath) to join the Bloody Barbers, Barnel set his sights lower than the city’s biggest gang. But after he failed to impress the leaders of those numerous gangs as well, a more astute failure than this unwashed, weasel-faced fence would have been forced to admit a painful truth—that no one wanted to associate with him. Of course, such a concept never crossed Barnel’s egotistic mind, and instead he came to believe that the city’s organized crime guilds were jealous of his potential. His recent decision, to build a reputation as a well-established “freelance” fence across multiple districts, may have gotten off to a rocky start, but none could deny that Barnel isn’t trying his hardest. He maintains a presence in numerous venues throughout the city, from the Crimson Coin to the Grog Pit and, most recently, at the Gorumarrux, where he’s been taking side-bets on the fights. What Barnel can’t admit to himself is that the other guilds have been ignoring him not due to admiration or fear at his success, but because he’s a very small fish in a very big pond.