Church of Shelyn Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Church of Shelyn

People of all alignments and social status are moved by beauty and long for love. Good and neutral folk seek Shelyn’s counsel in finding love or inspiration, or reuniting with a strayed love or lost muse. Evil folk turn to her when they realize their lives are empty without love and beauty: many scoff at her faith as being full of weaklings, dandies, dreamers, and fools—but in her presence, they cannot help but love her, for all things are subject to her power. In truth, many who call on Shelyn in the moment are drunk on love or beauty; they believe these things are sword, shield, food, and drink. Most of her lifelong followers, however, know that while love is intangible, a journey, and a source of inspiration, it must be tempered with common sense. Her faithful strive to be open to love when it offers itself, honest in mourning a broken heart, and courageous enough to risk love again when they have healed.
The intensity of the love struck is mirrored in the intensity of artists. The musician who forsakes all other pursuits to craft the perfect song and the dancer who practices for hours on blistered feet both honor Shelyn, obeying the obsessive urge to create something that will inspire others for generations. The goddess doesn’t ask mortals to attempt this level of devotion, but she understands and respects the heartfelt desire to create, whether out of love, grief, the desire for fame, or the edge of madness. At the same time, however, she is aware of the dark side of obsession, and how easily the blessings of love and passion can be twisted to jealousy and unhealthy compulsion. Equally important to her followers is correcting those who would cite Shelyn’s name to justify unworthy actions or covetousness.
Among Shelyn’s worshippers are artists, actors, musicians, young lovers, romantics of all stripes, and enchanters and illusionists who strive for beauty above all else. The brokenhearted weep her name, and those participating in arranged marriages petition her in hopes that love will blossom in their union. Marriage for love pleases her, as does finding love outside a marriage when doing so does not hurt the spouse. Shelyn does not require fidelity, but teaches that you should not be reckless with other peoples’ hearts, nor should you tolerate those who are reckless with your heart, for an oft-broken heart is slow to heal. Parental love is powerful and usually the first love any creature knows, and therefore she supports both reproduction and adoption no matter the organization of the family unit, as long as loving parents raise the children. Though she considers divorce a sad thing, she understands that hearts may change, and it’s sometimes better to end a marriage than to fight too hard to save something doomed to fail. Worship services for Shelyn may be quiet and slow-paced or loud and upbeat, but they are always heartfelt; dance and music are central to any ritual. Food, particularly large group meals where every person or family contributes a different dish, is common at evening ceremonies, and is often used to welcome new members of the community to the faith.

Temples & Shrines

Shelyn’s roomy temples are surrounded by gardens (most with at least one rosebush) with romantic statues and gorgeous views that serve as havens for lovers, as well as popular wedding locations. Inside, the temples are filled with music and adorned with paintings, sculpture, and framed calligraphy of poems from her holy book. Many of these works are available for purchase, and are considered a prestigious gift when presented to loved ones. Often the temple art was donated, created, or sponsored by those who found love and approval from the church when all others opposed them; priests of the temple usually create the rest.
Individual Shelynite temples may focus on one type of art, such as painting or dancing or a type of musical instrument, particularly if the temple is small. Larger ones are often multidisciplinary, with an emphasis on orchestral performance or theater, particularly in Taldor. The Temple of the Upheld and Golden Rose in Oppara, Taldor’s capital, is the oldest known temple of Shelyn. The grand cathedral is an intricate affair, fluted and open to the sky. Bright birds roost around its central courtyard, and talented musicians play exquisite tunes appropriate to the hour and the weather throughout the year. It is said that once a year, the goddess herself walks hidden among the faithful here, personally blessing those who best embody her qualities. However, no one knows exactly which day it is that this occurs, and so the temple sees a constant flow of worshippers.
Many temples are associated with one or more agathions, and these temples usually have iconography and art relating to their agathions and the noble animals they resemble. For example, a temple associated with a notable leonal might be decorated with lion artwork, and might even be home to many friendly cats. Even temples that don’t have a patron agathion still usually have an unusual number of songbirds living nearby.


Formal garb within the church is designed to emphasize the wearer’s beauty, although the level of modesty varies greatly depending on the individual’s preferences. Makeup and jewelry are often used to highlight attractive features, and it is common for worshippers to wear brooches or pendants bearing Shelyn’s long-tailed bird sigil. Bright green, red, and gold are popular colors, and white accents such as vests, belts, and scarves are common. Many ceremonial outfits include the image of a rose in one of these four colors, and rose-adorned regalia are part of many religious ceremonies.

A Priest’s Role

Shelyn motivates her followers to inspire creativity, teach others to see beauty, and encourage love and devotion between deserving individuals. Natural peacemakers and mediators, Shelynites recognize that the world contains ugliness and evil, and are not afraid to fight to change it so that everyone can appreciate the beauty and joy of existence. Her clergy treasure wisdom and talent, and prefer informal organization and decisions made as a community, but they also recognize that great art is rarely created by committee. If an individual disagrees with a decision, she is free to follow her own path.
Most of Shelyn’s clergy are clerics or bards, serving as artists and teachers, as well as healers of both body and soul. Her clergy do not use their magic to seduce, but may use it to intervene in conflicts or prevent evil from being done, to ease the hurt of a broken heart. Those paladins who serve Shelyn often focus on courtly love and seek to shield beauty from forces that would consume or destroy it. The rare inquisitors of her church hunt cultists of Zon-Kuthon, redeeming them if possible but preventing them from spreading their poison at all costs.
Priests endeavor to create something of beauty each day, usually by composing music or painting, though some may choose less conventional means of artistic cultivation such as gardening, mentoring others in dance or other arts, or aiding a local theater. Among more militant priests, beauty may come from the perfection of acrobatic and aesthetically appealing martial arts and weapons routines. Those less entranced by the creative process may instead care for artists, scout for upcoming talent, or arrange patronages between nobles and young geniuses. Wealthier priests often own theaters, concert halls, art galleries, or their own schools. Priests serve as matchmakers, counsel those with broken hearts or relationship problems, and preside over weddings.
While devoted to beauty, Shelyn’s followers recognize that mortals can be superficial about physical attractiveness, and that individuals’ appearances can be a source of pain and despair. Her temples often counsel supplicants on how to recognize and enhance their own unique beauty, teaching them to move with grace that celebrates their bodies, aiding them in learning to speak with eloquence and confidence, helping them to select clothes and hairstyles that express the qualities in which they take pride, and highlighting positive aspects of their personalities. The most respected practitioners of these arts believe they can see their goddess’s qualities in each person they encounter, and the delight with which they gaze upon each new face makes any who approach them feel beautiful in their presence.
Training for clergy involves instruction in the appreciation, history, and theory of the performing and visual arts to better understand and value them, as well as education in deportment, fashion, and rhetoric. As such, all priests have at least a rank in a Craft or Perform skill. Before initiation into the priesthood can be considered complete, a new acolyte must perform three acts of beauty: uncovering beauty in something not generally seen as beautiful, restoring a piece of artwork that has been defaced or neglected, and creating a new and lasting work of beauty in their surroundings. They must also perform three acts of love: getting a family or community to recognize love that its members have rejected, undoing a misunderstanding that has gotten in the way of love, and introducing two people who fall in love. Most aspiring priests labor for years to complete these works to a standard they believe worthy of their goddess.


Those adventurers who follow Shelyn are motivated by gentleness, peace, and beauty. They know the world contains ugliness and evil and they want to change it so that everyone can appreciate the finer points of existence. Her servants seek to inspire creativity, to teach people to see beauty, and to inspire love and devotion—not necessarily toward themselves, but between deserving others. They strive to promote the general good, to help people trapped in ruts, and to free those under the thrall of evil. Adventuring Shelynites are natural peacemakers and go-betweens, yet when push comes to shove, they’re not afraid to shed blood on behalf of beauty and those they love. Adventurers devoted to Shelyn often carry gold-plated glaives in her honor.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories


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