Druma Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The lands to the southeast of Lake Encarthan stand alongside the Five Kings Mountains as the only portions of the Shining Kingdoms to have never been claimed by the Taldan Empire. These plains and forests were first home to one of the oldest Kellid cultures on Avistan, along with a sizable fey contingent in the central Palakar Forest. Once the dwarves emerged, the region became a holding of the Five Kings Mountains, remaining so until 2332 ar, when the signing of the historic Kerse Accord simultaneously ended 700 years of dwarven civil war, gained Druma its independence, and proved once and for all the economic mastery of the Prophets of Kalistrade.
To say Druma is run by the Prophets of Kalistrade—a Druman pseudo-religious group infamous for their strict self-denial and ceaseless pursuit of wealth—is only partially correct. Technically, the Resplendent Bureaucracy—a body of hundreds of civic administrators—governs the nation, and membership in the Prophets of Kalistrade imparts no official governmental power. In practice, however, the tremendous financial resources under the Kalistocrats’ control grant them more influence than that wielded by the official government. Furthermore, the Kalistocrats themselves are led by a High Prophet who legally has the authority to countermand the Bureaucracy’s rulings. The current high prophet, Kelldor, leverages powerful divination abilities and a sharp acumen to all but predict the future, and has used his power to build relationships with the rulers of several Inner Sea nations.
While the white-robed Kalistocrats are recognized throughout the Inner Sea, Druma’s military is equally well known. Formally the Mercenary League, the organization and its members are generally referred to as “Blackjackets” due to their iconic all-black uniforms. Given their status as the army of a nation of phenomenally wealthy traders, the Blackjackets are outfitted with the highest quality armor and weaponry and receive some of the best training—and highest pay—of any Inner Sea military. As a result, the Blackjackets’ loyalty to the Resplendent Bureaucracy is legendary, and individual Blackjackets are decidedly and unhesitatingly amoral when carrying out their orders.
The current power of the Blackjackets can be attributed to High Prophet Kelldor, who began building up the Mercenary League 2 years ago with an “Edict of Preparation”—orders to nearly double the army’s recruitment and training. The result has been an enormous force of highly skilled warriors with specialized training to combat orcs and undead, putting Druma in a unique position to weather the return of the Whispering Tyrant. As a result, the nation has not suffered as much as its neighbors from the rise of Tar-Baphon, though as lucrative trade routes have been choked off—particularly along Lake Encarthan—some citizens have begun to worry that the legions of undead may be a problem that not even money can solve.
In the meantime, the Kalistocrats maintain their lucrative trade networks, welcoming the opportunity to increase trade with Kyonin and jockeying to establish themselves as a primary conduit between the elven nation and the rest of the world. Some attempt to force alliances with Galt’s new leadership in hopes that stability in that nation will prove more profitable, while others simply conduct what trade they can in basic supplies and armaments. Ultimately, Druma has changed little in response to recent events, with its citizens reminding each other that, regardless of who wears the crown in neighboring nations, money remains everyone’s king.
Geopolitical, Country
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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