House Ormuz Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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House Ormuz

Established not long after the discovery of the sun orchid elixir in Thuvia and the rise of that nation’s fortunes, House Ormuz is one of the more relaxed participants in the War of Strings. The family’s ties to Thuvia ensure its political clout (the current Scion Lord Yamthar is a cousin of Queen Zamere of Lamasara), and its position astride trade to Garund guarantees its wealth. As a result, House Ormuz is traditionally neutral, and the galas and salons at Palace Ormuz are a popular place for rival factions to meet in peace.
This ease allows Lord Yamthar to indulge what he would be the first to describe as a childish enthusiasm for machines and mechanisms of all sorts. House Ormuz stands as one of the major financial supporters of the Clockwork Cathedral, and a number of Senghor artificers and Alkenstar gunsmiths have been invited to expound on chemistry, physics, and engineering at one of Lord Yamthar’s exclusive salons. The scion lord is also a famed collector of all things Jistkan, but particularly anything related to the automatons that appeared near the end of the Imperium. House Ormuz has seen a gradually increasing stream of adventurers, explorers, and inventors approached Lord Yamthar in search of patronage and funding, though the few charlatans who dared to test Lord Yamthar’s patience have found that his cheerful nature has some sharp limits.
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
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