Lands of the Linnorm Kings Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lands of the Linnorm Kings

As in so many other regions along the northern edge of Avistan, life is hard for the people of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. What land that isn’t frozen marsh is heavily strewn with stones and boulders—starvation is thus a constant threat in the barren winter months. Traditionally, the people of the Linnorm Kingdoms fought against the cruel specter of hunger by taking to the seas in their distinctive longships, engaging in violent coastal raids along Avistan’s extensive western coastline in order to secure valuable plunder and supplies. As the centuries wore on and the lands to the south grew more heavily populated, more organized, and thus more dangerous to raid, many of the Linnorm Kingdoms turned in their swords and shields for the tools of trade, and their long trips south sought to secure mercantile alliances rather than blood-won conquest. Yet some of the Kingdoms found such changes to tradition as dishonorable to their ancestors, and others simply preferred the act of raiding to the pursuit of trade.
The harsh land and harsher winters are far from the only dangers in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Vast reaches of wilderness, ranging from rocky tundra to tangled forest to rugged hills, cut wide swaths between the settled reaches of the kingdoms, and in these lands dwell monsters. Capricious fey are common in these places, as are bloodthirsty trolls and murderous giants, strangely enchanted animals that can both plead for their lives and utter dire curses, and the unquiet spirits of the restless dead who haunt the places where they fell. The most dangerous are linnorms—primordial dragons of vast size and great strength. Facing a linnorm in combat is folly for all but the most formidable warriors, and even in death these mighty dragons bestow hideous curses that can linger for a lifetime in the flesh and bones of their killers. In the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, however, anyone who aspires to rightfully rule a kingdom must seek out a linnorm, confront it, and defeat it in combat.
Sometimes, this violent rite breeds controversy. For example, none saw King Opir Eightfingers slay his linnorm—he merely returned to the city of Jol with a severed linnorm’s head, already decaying, as proof of his deed. Those who whispered that Opir found a dead linnorm and absconded with its head learned to keep their suspicions quiet after enough grisly and very public executions. When New Thassilon rose along the Linnorm Kingdom’s southern borders, King Opir made his final mistake and launched an ill-advised series of raids against the holdings of Runelord Belimarius. His defeat left his kingdom without a leader, although none found Opir’s body among the dead in the battlefield. Some say the fallen king languishes in a hidden dungeon somewhere in the island reaches of western New Thassilon, while others whisper that he fled to the mountains and even now is building a new army and will soon return to his place on the throne. That Opir left behind no friends interested in looking into his disappearance or seeking a potential resurrection only further deepens the mystery of his fate.
Elsewhere in the Linnorm Kingdoms, King White Estrid upended tradition by subjugating a linnorm upon defeating it and taking it into her service instead of slaying it. Her mercy toward the linnorm Boiltongue was met initially with skepticism, but her enemies quickly learned that a ruler with a linnorm to back her demands is mighty indeed. King Thira Ash-Eyes was less merciful to her linnorm foe, killing the beast and then claiming the throne in the region’s capital of Kalsgard after her father, King Sveinn Blood-Eagle, set sail to the west on a quest to retire to the afterlife in legendary Valenhall. The Varki ranger Nankou caused a stir by taking the title of linnorm king in Icemark, shocking many Ulfen warriors—though none can dispute the new king’s triumph over a linnorm, most Ulfen never expected one of the Varki people to claim what they consider to be an Ulfen title. The most recent king to take a throne is the legendary adventurer Ostog the Unslain, who claimed the throne of Jol after Opir’s disappearance. Whether Ostog can keep his title of Unslain for long while holding his throne, only time can tell.
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