Molthune Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The imperialistic and territorial nation of Molthune was merely a province of Cheliax until it declared its independence—and its willingness to fight to keep its sovereignty—in 4632 AR. To solidify control within its borders, the Molthuni established a military oligarchy of nine general lords and created a burdensome series of taxes to fund a standing army. While the elite in the southern cities of Canorate and Korholm benefited from these measures, the northern territories found the taxes onerous and, in 4655 AR, rebelled to form the fiercely independent nation of Nirmathas. Since then, Molthune has warred with Nirmathas to reclaim its lost territory, with the conflict alternating between bloody combat and uneasy cease-fire.
This dynamic has changed only recently with the creation of the new hobgoblin nation of Oprak and the reemergence of the Whispering Tyrant, which have forced Molthune to cool many of its military operations on the Nirmathi border. The crushing defeat of northern Molthune’s forces by the hobgoblin General Azaersi, though officially derided as the fault of the commander in charge and not a reflection of Molthune as a whole, caused a great deal of soul-searching and finger-pointing among the higher echelons of Mothune’s government. The rise of the Whispering Tyrant has widened these divisions further, as some generals recognize that the current threat requires alliances to survive, while other generals believe that crushing Nirmathas, Oprak, and Tar-Baphon single-handedly is the only way to regain face after being humiliated. Pragmatic-minded Molthuni diplomats and merchants have been making tenuous connections with their counterparts in Nirmathas, although bellicose spies and saboteurs frequently infiltrate these delegations. Only time will tell if Molthune will ally with other nations against the Whispering Tyrant, or doom the entire region out of pride and shortsightedness.
Residents of Molthune have, traditionally, been divided into imperial citizens and indentured laborers. Although indentured laborers cannot vote and have their travel and trade limited to specific regions within the nation, they can—as of 4710—ascend to citizenship with 5 years of military service or some other, regulated service to the state. Immigrants are also eligible, and Lastwall refugees have flocked to Molthune as a result. Proof of earned citizenship comes in the form of a large iron coin with a number and the red flag of Molthune upon it; those who have “earned the red coin” are often unpopular with the aristocratic elite but have swelled the ranks of the Molthuni military forces. Molthune also makes use of mercenary companies, both human and "monstrous," though this practice has come under heavy criticism after General Azaersi made use of Molthune’s resources to raise the Ironfang Legion and start the Ironfang Invasion.
Despite its militaristic leadership, Molthune pursues diplomatic relations with those neighbors it cannot easily subjugate, including the economically powerful Druma and the Cheliax-backed nation of Isger. Only the foolish mistake this diplomacy for peace, however, as Molthune is quick to pounce on opportunities to fuel its expansionist agenda.


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