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Originally formed as a temporary emergency response organization to deal with the disastrous flood in 4698 AR that gave the Puddles district its name, the Muddied Center Reserve Civilian Corps—Muckruckers for short—still polices the region two decades later. Crime is devastatingly common in this disparate district, including all manner of thievery, smuggling, gang violence, and escapes from the quarter’s infamous prison, the Brine.
When more scrupulous leaders fled the Puddles in the wake of the district’s flooding, the nefarious thief Haigen Topkick and his loyal goons turned the Muckruckers into something of a thieves’ guild. Yet not all Muckruckers are crooks masquerading as civil defenders with badges and hip-high waders— some earnestly care about protecting and improving their downtrodden home. More than a few newly immigrated goblins, aspiring to heroism like the recently arrived Zusgut the “Goblin King,” have volunteered for the Muckruckers. Their noble—if sometimes calamitous—sacrifices have stirred a bit of faded pride in the district and in the Muckruckers.
The recent rise in Muckrucker heroism has inspired new respect outside the Puddles as well. Other precincts that once dismissed the Muckruckers’ volunteers for their lack of formal training now see potential in their resilient fellows. The people of the Puddles have too sharp a memory of Haigen’s protection schemes to place their full trust in the Muckruckers just yet, but some have begun to come around as honest Muckruckers rise through the ranks.
Government, Law Enforcement
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