Okeno Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Originally a pirate enclave, the Yellow City has become the undisputed center of the slave trade in the Inner Sea. Run by a coalition of slavers under the oversight of the ruthless Governor Morio Midasi, Okeno is the only settlement of note on Stonespine Island—a place of cosmopolitan luxury that makes no effort to conceal the misery funding it. Slaves of every description are held in the city’s notorious Fleshfairs, brought in from the Skindock through the underground Sweatways. Though primarily human, the citizenry is also diverse, with a sizable contingent of gnolls and ratfolk. While Andoran’s abolitionist Eagle Knights have tried for years to shut down the port, they’ve been stymied by the slavers’ yellow-sailed fleet and the political power of those elites from other nations who come to frolic in the city’s pleasure pits. Even if someone managed to ransack the port, rumor holds that the truly powerful slavers rule from secret treasure-vault compounds high in the island’s trackless Stonespine Mountains.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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