Varlokkur Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The varlokkur belong to no one branch of the military, nor are they technically members of the ranks. Specialists in magic, particularly in the creation of supernatural defenses and the investigation of crimes involving magical elements, the varlokkur consist of spellcasters drawn from all four magical traditions. Though small in number, they have a larger-than-life presence. Arcane casters and priests work alongside occultists and primalists in the varlokkur, and while there are occasional clashes of personalities, methods, or ideologies, each is rigorously vetted for their loyalty to the city. When the need to defend Absalom from a magical threat arises, all varlokkur set aside their petty differences and rise to the occasion. During these times, individual varlokkur command a sort of phantom rank in the army that can shift as needed in order to ensure cooperation of lower-ranking soldiers—it hasn’t been unheard of for a varlokkur to take command of an entire army in the past in order to rally the troops against a powerful supernatural foe.
The varlokkur do not have a centralized structure. Each is their own agent, and they do not generally gather in groups or recognize rank beyond the primacy of the Third Spell Lord. This decentralized structure not only helps to prevent schemes designed to take the entire group out at once, but also appeals to the typical varlokkur agent’s sense of self-sufficiency. Left to their own methods and given plenty of flexibility to pursue their own interests, the varlokkur remain ready to set aside their own needs to come to Absalom’s aid when called.
Varlokkur Agent
Military, Other
Leader Title


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