Vidrian Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The colonial nation of Sargava faced many hardships over the past few decades, ranging from isolation from its parent nation of Cheliax to constant financial extortion by the Free Captains of the Shackles. After years of constant adversity, the locals finally chose to enact change in their lands. What began as a small revolt by Mwangi servants and slaves soon became a complete overthrow of the nation’s overlords. Some of the colonists, now several generations removed from the golden age of Cheliax and disdainful of the state of Sargava at the hands of their kin, found camaraderie among the Mwangi peoples and chose to fight alongside them.
The rebelling forces soon grew to massive numbers and were able to take the capital of Eleder with relative ease, displacing the domineering Baron Utilinus. Unfortunately, the rebels also had to contend with the Free Captains who had been exploiting the region. Not content to lose their easy stream of revenue in the form of protection money from Sargava, the Free Captains waged a bloody battle against the rebels, an ordeal that lasted for over a year. After countless engagements and a hastily written alliance with Senghor, the combined forces of the Mwangi and turncoat colonists successfully drove off the pirates. With the Free Captains routed, the lands became the new nation of Vidrian in 4717 AR.
Today, Vidrian’s people work hard to use the advantages and resources that originally drew Cheliax to colonize the region to bring the country closer to economic stability. Some use the ships seized from defeated Free Captains to trade along the western coast of Garund. Ambassadors have set out into the greater Inner Sea region to help establish diplomatic ties; they’ve already found success in Absalom, Andoran, Osirion, and Ravounel, and their progress shows no signs of slowing.
The scars of colonization still burden the nation. Having just toppled the former rulers of Sargava, the people of Vidrian are all too aware of how easily their fledgling society could be reconquered. While all Vidrics agree that steps must be taken to rebuild their country’s economy and protect the Mwangi Expanse from being colonized again, such noble goals are easier said than done. The government of Vidrian is a pragmatic collective of disparate influential powers, each with a differing idea on how to guide the country forward, and their disagreements sometimes lead to disorganized gridlock. Diplomatic overtures aimed at other Mwangi nations have been met with reluctance, as these long self-sufficient city-states have little desire to give up their complete independence. The alliance between Senghor and Vidrian remains untested, and Vidrian’s other allies, such as the spiderlike anadi, are reluctant to make military commitments. Worse, Vidrian’s nearest neighbor, the powerful state of Mzali, seems more inclined to view the new nation as a potential threat rather than an ally.
The folk of Vidrian are a coalition of disparate Mwangi peoples, united under a common history, cause, and banner. A sizable population of former Sargavan colonists also remains in the nation, protected by law from retaliation. While their aid in the rebellion against their fellows and the Free Captains earned them citizenship, the stark change in Vidric culture that occurred after the Mwangi natives regained control of their land has resulted in a new source of friction between these two groups.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization


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