Vudrani Ethnicity in Golarion | World Anvil
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Vudrani hail from the distant Impossible Kingdoms of Vudra, a collection of semi-independent kingdoms in the southeast of Casmaron. Vudrani who live in the Inner Sea region, however, mostly emigrate from the island of Jalmeray, off the coast of Nex. Most Vudrani, including Jalmeri, are slim and slight in build, with dark eyes, dark hair, and skin tones that range from tawny to umber. Much of traditional Vudrani life is organized around religious and philosophical scriptures of many different gods and traditions, and around a powerful monastic tradition of self-improvement and self-perfection. Though few Vudrani become full monks, their influence is widespread in Vudrani culture. Vudrani masculine names include Bahurja, Ksaya, and Sohan; feminine names include Anjasi, Jaivati, and Vasundhara; and gender-neutral names include Bala, Jaya, and Kanti.
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