Vyre Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The independent city-state of Vyre, known as the City of Masks, predates Cheliax and has long been famous for its riotous entertainments. Gambling halls, fighting pits, brothels, and hawkers of every imaginable vice crowd the city, catering to wealthy Chelaxians seeking a respite from their regimented lives. Since Ravounel declared independence, Vyre’s status has become even more ambiguous.
The masked Kings and Queens who rule the city declared their support for Ravounel while simultaneously encouraging their Chelish visitors to continue carousing as if nothing had changed—and, indeed, little seems to have changed in Vyre today. The same cruel entertainments that were available under Queen Abrogail II’s rule are still performed under Domina Bainilus’s flag, and the same promise of anonymity is offered to its guests. Beneath the surface, however, much is in flux. Vyre is a center of Norgorber’s worship, and Vyre’s current position as a playground between Cheliax and Ravounel has created a perfect opportunity for Norgorber’s faithful to harvest secrets, sow betrayals, and sabotage both sides of the divide.
Geopolitical, City-state
Neighboring Nations


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