
Anubis is the god of mummification and the guardian of tombs in the Osirian pantheon. He protects tombs and the souls of the dead on their way to receiving Pharasma's judgement in the Boneyard.  

Church of Anubis

Nearly all Osirian tombs contain images or other depictions of Anubis. The patron of embalmers, his followers (including paladins) usually wear jackal masks and are dedicated to the destruction of undead.

Divine Domains

Death, protection, soul, vigil

Tenets of Faith

Anubis teaches that the dead deserve proper burial and that his faithful should be impartial when sitting in judgement. He sees undead as a desecration of the dead and urges his followers to destroy them. He also forbids the looting of tombs or the trapping of a soul to keep it from reaching its eternal destination.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Anubis appears either as a jackal or a jackal-headed, black-skinned human.


Contacts & Relations

Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephthys born out of wedlock. He assisted Isis in the mummification of his father. He frequently works with Isis, Neith, Nephthys, and Selket in the protection of the dead, and is an enemy of Set due to his association with undead.
Lawful neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the Tomb
Areas of Concern 
Burial, the dead, funeral rites, mummification, tombs
Lay bodies to rest, destroy undead, be impartial
Desecrate corpses, rob tombs, trap a soul
Favoured Weapon 
Black jackal head
Sacred Animal 


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