Ardax the White-Hair

Ardax the White-Hair is a rare sight indeed in the Hold of Belkzen: a middle-aged orc. He is the current overlord of Urgir, having risen to this position in 4716 AR, after his predecessor Grask Uldeth was slain by a mysterious assassin. Prior to that, he was Uldeth's chief advisor and majordomo, and handled most of the business that was deemed unworthy of the boss' personal attention. Unlike Uldeth before him, Ardax at first controlled the city, not his tribe, which has given him more time to coordinate improvements to Urgir itself, like the discovery of ancient dwarven weapon caches, and a herd of rust monsters who now patrol the city.

In 4719 AR, when the recently freed Whispering Tyrant sought to recruit the orcs of Belkzen again, like he did fifteen centuries before, Ardax mounted the envoys' heads on the walls of Urgir. Later, he led the orcs to victory in the Battle of Nine Broken Skulls, when the Tyrant sent an undead army to subjugate them by force. After that Battle of Nine Broken Skulls, for which he had united the different orc holds, all accepted him as their Overlord, surpassing Uldeth.
Neutral evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
4686 37 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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