
Elven is believed to be among the elder, if not the eldest of the languages mortals speak on Golarion. Scholars conjecture that it was formed when elven speakers of Sylvan tried to introduce grammatical rules and vocabulary from both Celestial and Draconic. The Elven alphabet contains thirty-three letters (twenty-four consonants and nine vowels). It is a complex language, but sounds poetic in tone and cadence.  

On Golarion

In the Inner Sea region, Elven is spoken in the elven nation of Kyonin, and in other major elven population centers such as the Mordant Spire. It is also spoken by nearly all half-elves, as well as the drow and driders of the Darklands.

In Tian Xia, Elven is naturally most commonly spoken in the elven nation of Jinin, although it is also common in Kaoling, Zi Ha, Shokuro, and Amanandar.  

Other Elven-speaking races

Elven is spoken as a secondary language by a large assortment of good-natured, fey, or forest-dwelling creatures:
  • Ancient brine dragons
  • Bronze dragons
  • Brownies
  • Ancient cloud dragons
  • Ancient crystal dragons
  • Centaurs
  • Dryads
  • Gold dragons
  • Green dragons
  • Leprechauns
  • Ancient magma dragons
  • Sylphs


3 Words.


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