General Susumu

General Susumu, also known as the Black Daimyo, is the Tian Xia patron deity of samurai who are interested more in glory and battle than honour and heroism.  

Church of General Susumu

General Susumu is worshipped primarily in the monstrous realm of Chu Ye; the lands of the Horse Lords, Hongal; the aggressive hobgoblin kingdom of Kaoling; the samurai kingdoms of Minkai and Shokuro; and Xa Hoi. General Susumu has been known to appear at the site of great conflicts, sometimes to merely watch but at other times leading a great army of deceased samurai into combat for the sheer thrill of fighting. Dhucharg, the capital city of Kaoling, boasts a particularly large temple dedicated to General Susumu called the Palace of the Black Daimyo.

Divine Domains

Confidence, destruction, might, zeal

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his human form, General Susumu is depicted as a towering Tian-Min man with red skin and bristling eyebrows; he wears an ornate set of black o-yoroi armour. He rides a black winged horse and, in battle, he wields an iron longbow that shoots arrows of pure fire. When his anger is truly roused General Susumu abandons his human form, instead becoming an enormous crimson dragon with obsidian tusks.


Contacts & Relations

General Susumu is the half-brother of Shizuru, the so-called Empress of Heaven and goddess of the sun, honour, and virtuous samurai. Obviously, General Susumu and his sister seldom see eye to eye.
Lawful evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Black Daimyo
Areas of Concern 
Personal glory
Seek glory in battle, loudly proclaim your victories, protect your possessions and strongholds
Cower from fights, refuse a challenge from an equal, mistreat your weapons, abuse your mount
Favoured Weapon 
Black winged horse
Sacred Animal 


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