Grand Council of Absalom

The Council has twelve high seats (including the Primarch's) and a variable number of low seats. Attaining a high seat requires nothing more than showing one of twelve magical cornucopias which act as seals of office at an annual meeting. These positions are generally held by powerful merchants, important religious figures, and members of the aristocracy. Seats of the Low Council are decided by High Council vote annually and members of the Low Council typically hold minor or unglamorous bureaucratic positions. Member of the Low Council generally come from prominent families, or are prominent office holders. More notable titles such as Trade Minister and Sea Lord are reserved for High Council members.

Matters of state are settled by a vote of the Grand Council, which meets in the Grand Council Hall. Normally, the Grand Council decides on a small number citywide matters and anything related to foreign affairs, leaving local matters to the district councils, but that arrangement is a preference, not a legal necessity, and the Grand Council can override any district council decision. Issues denoted as "Matters of Note" (such as electing a new primarch) are debated and decided on solely by members of the High Council. Any issue can become a Matter of Note if the High Council votes to make it so, allowing them to take control of any matter a majority of them wish to rule on.

Each district is represented in the Low Council by at least one seat and each of Absalom's vassal-cities also receive two seats, appointed by their governments. A number of low seats are also handed out to fill whatever duties the High Council feels need representation.

Currently the Absalom High Council has 12 seats and the Low Council has 49 members, making the entire Grand Council a total of 61 seats.  

High Council

Members of the High Council control major departments of the civic bureaucracy and possess enormous political power and influence in the city, as well as elect the primarch and decide the members of the Low Council. The High Council has no formal meeting space, but members occasionally attend full Council sessions in the Grand Council Hall.   High Council members are generally wealthy merchants, important religious figures, powerful politicians and nobles. Their ranks include the following:
  • Primarch: Lord Gyr of House Gixx (missing)
  • -Acting Primarch: Wynsal Starborn
  • Captain of the Starwatch: Asilia of Gyr
  • Chancellor of the Exchequer: Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq
  • Chief Sanitation Commissioner: Larrett
  • Commander Militant: Chun Hye-Seung
  • Diplomatic Minister: Ferridan Severus
  • First Lady of Laws: Scion Lady Neferpatra of House Ahnkamen
  • First Lord of Spells: Lord Gyr of House Gixx (missing)
  • -Acting First Lord of Spells: Garethal Brighteyes
  • Harbormaster: Scion Lady Adrielle Nephrathep of House Fyrlenn
  • Kortos Viceroy: Jaress Molinarro
  • Sea Lord: Lerefys of House Kethlin
  • Trade Minister: Grenduul Fleng
Previous members of the High Council are:
  • Jeremia Plumendod, arborist and savvy businesswoman.
  • Blune Bandersworth, one of the city’s most prolific architects.

Low Council

The Low Council is the active ruling body of the city of Absalom. Its members conduct regular votes to establish and enact policy, receive addresses from visiting foreign monarchs, and assign the title of trademaster to prominent merchants, and appoint each district's nomarchs.

The Low Council's members are Absalom's most prominent citizens, including guild masters, nobles, retired celebrities, and other famous politicians, mostly chosen by the High Council. The Low Council consists of 49 seats. All district nomarchs are granted a seat on the Low Council, and seats are reserved for an additional representative of each district, who are selected by their nomarch, for a total of 20 district seats. Four seats are reserved for two representatives each from Escadar and Diobel (appointed by their governments), a three seats are dedicated to select grand ambassadors from Osirion, Taldor and Qadira, and a number of seats are assigned to representatives of influential guilds and prominent local religions. Remaining at-large members are elected annually by the city's residents.
  • Ascendant Court district seats: Nomarch Sindoi of the Thousand Poems and Vroclaw of Brevoy.
  • Coins district seats: Nomarch Lady Myleena of House Arnsen and Lady Nymara of House Damaq.
  • Docks district seats: Nomarch Lord Archych of House Dureanz and Darabelle Fairwind.
  • Eastgate district seats: Nomarch Lord Ayunga of House Akkesh and Haimon Hueff of House Mercerene.
  • Foreign Quarter district seats: Nomarch Torman Iates and Lord Omrys of House Ahnkamen.
  • Ivy District district seats: Nomarch Alain Always and Fronsac Shimm.
  • Petal District district seats: Nomarch Lord Urkon of House Ormuz and Brythen Blood.
  • Puddles district seats: Nomarch Haigen Topkick and Lady Seichya of House Tevineg.
  • Westgate district seats: Nomarch Lady Seleenae of House Damaq and Scion Lord Rogren Sphairo of House Menhemes.
  • Wise Quarter district seats: Nomarch Dhauken Tor and Brivit Nae of Irrisen.
  • Escadar seats: Evessian Deris and Captain Chugmuzz the Surly.
  • Diobel seats: Nomarch Grint Basatre and Bothuk Thraske.
  • Azlanti Keep seat: Wynsal Starborn (currently empty as Wynsal is an acting primarch).
  • Guildmasters seats: Aarnock Xanthiss, Engleton Embrey, Hans the Northman, Jembar Dustyshankle and Parsin Guile.
  • At-Large seats: Lady Darchana of House Madinani and Lady Evigail of House Wycomb.
  • Ancient seats for Osirion, Taldor and Qadira: Dremdhet Salhar for Osirion, Tolara Alverteen for Taldor and Emir Thalzar Gaatan for Qadira.
  • City planner seat: Olansa Terimor.
  • Venla Sirola bought and now holds an unknown seat on the council.
  • Members sitting in Low Council's 12 remaining seats are unknown.
Geopolitical, City council


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