
Hathor is a cow-headed deity and a member of the pantheon often worshiped in Ancient Osirion. Known as the Mistress of Jubilation, Hathor's portfolio includes dance, joy, love, music, and the sky.

Divine Domains

Family, passion, sun, wealth

Tenets of Faith

Hathor teaches her faithful to support new families, to encourage and support musicians, to protect miners and traders, and to support love. She strongly opposes discrimination based on outward appearances, along with any attempt to disfigure another person or creature, and believes that refusing nourishment to those who hunger is a sin.


Contacts & Relations

Hathor is a daughter of Ra and the sibling of Bastet, Maat, and Sekhmet as well as the consort of Horus. Below is a diagram of the familial relationships between the gods of the Osirian pantheon.
Chaotic good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mistress of Jubilation
Areas of Concern 
Dance, joy, love, music, the sky
Give wealth to new families, aid traders, miners, and musicians, protect and encourage lovers
Discriminate based on appearance, intentionally cause disfigurement, refuse food to the starving
Favoured Weapon 
Short sword
Solar disk with horns
Sacred Animal 


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