Iadara (eye-uh-DAR-ah)

The illusion-shrouded city of Iadara is the beautiful capital of the elven kingdom of Kyonin.


Iadara is home to the Kyonin monarchy and its ruling queen, Telandia Edasseril, bearer of the Viridian Crown.


In the past, magic was used purely to enhance the beauty of the city. As the nation has become more and more isolationist, however, magic is now used to obscure the true extent of the city via magical fog and twisting vines that cover the architecture. Since the arrival of Treerazer in Kyonin, the city has been under demonic threat.

Points of interest

The city houses the legendary Sovyrian Stone, that powers the aiudara and connects Golarion with the distant elven refuge of Sovyrian. Most elves are aware of its existence, although its exact location is carefully hidden.  

Non-elf visitors

Although non-elf visitors are exceptionally rare, they are never subjected to anything worse than curious stares from the elven inhabitants, provided they keep to their designated areas.


Although the city is intentionally hidden and obscured via illusion and magical fog, the elven capital is an awe-inspiring combination of elven magic and architecture with the natural environment of the Fierani Forest. Indeed, most buildings are artfully intertwined with the twisting trees, designed to protect and augment both. The structures are mostly constructed from silver, crystal, and wood, and smooth, twisting towers are popular architectural motifs. Music, laughter, and birdsong are the first sounds visitors hear when they approach Iadara.

Iadara sits on the banks of the Endowhar River; shortly downstream of the city, the Endowhar is joined by the Kyonin River, which eventually flows into the West Sellen River.
Primarily elves
Alternative Name(s)
City of Mists
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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