Lady Nanbyo

Lady Nanbyo is the Tian Xia goddess of ill fate and calamity. She is often blamed for plagues, flash floods, tsunamis, and any other natural disaster that occurs.  

Church of Lady Nanbyo

Despite her role as a deity of calamity, many people still pray to Lady Nanbyo, normally for deliverance from the horrible events she unleashes upon the world. In addition to plagues, flash floods, and earthquakes, Lady Nanbyo is also often blamed for particularly devastating tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, even though these are normally more associated with Hei Feng and Yamatsumi, respectively. This is because Lady Nanbyo relishes adding her own special miseries to such events, revelling in the suffering that they cause.

Cults dedicated to Lady Nanbyo are a particular problem in metropolitan Goka where they make the already free-wheeling city even more dangerous. She is also commonly worshipped amongst the flooded reaches of Wanshou, the desolate deserts of Shaguang, monster-haunted Shenmen, and the lawless isles of Minata.

Divine Domains

Destruction, fire, plague, water

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Known as the 'Widow of Calamities', Lady Nanbyo has two forms. First, she is able to appear as an extremely seductive woman. It is thought, however, that her true form is that of a ravenous, fire-spewing dragon that has a dozen legs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is said that Lady Nanbyo has previously been married many times but each of these unions led to a sometimes tragic, sometimes terrible demise for each of her former husbands.
Chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Widow of Suffering
Areas of Concern 
Revel in destruction, make natural disasters worse, allow natural disasters to take their due
Allow a natural disaster to completely destroy a community or leave a group with no survivors
Favoured Weapon 
Flaming rift in the earth
Sacred Animal 


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