Lao Shu Po Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Lao Shu Po

The Tian Xia goddess Lao Shu Po began her life as an ordinary rat, and stole her divinity by feasting off the corpse of the slain god Tsukiyo.  

Church of Lao Shu Po

Lao Shu Po's worship is common throughout the Darklands of Tian Xia and her cults frequently fester beneath the city of Goka. Surprisingly, she is worshipped in the tengu nation of Kwanlai. Her other centres of worship are less surprising: dark, monster-haunted lands like Shenmen, Wanshou, and the lawless Wandering Isles of Minata.

Divine Domains

Darkness, luck, swarm, trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lao Shu Po commonly takes one of two forms, either that of an aged old hag or an enormous six-legged black rat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally, according to legends, Lao Shu Po was merely a normal rat. This changed after the traitorous Fumeiyoshi slew his brother, the moon god Tsukiyo. The rat Lao Shu Po somehow found her way to the moon god's grave and feasted upon his divine flesh as he lay buried, absorbing some of his divine power. Tsukiyo was resurrected by the goddess Shizuru and, when they took vengeance on the vile Fumeiyoshi, Lao Shu Po was able to ascend to full blown godhood, usurping Fumeiyoshi's previous role as god of the night: she became goddess of the night, rats, and thieves.
Neutral evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Old Rat Woman
Areas of Concern 
Work quietly toward your goals in the shadows, steal what you need, keep an ear among the ignored and downtrodden
Work honestly for something you could steal instead, risk too much for another creature
Favoured Weapon 
Emaciated rat
Sacred Animal 


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