
Maat (or Ma'at as it is sometimes spelled) is the Ancient Osirian goddess of balance, justice, and truth, guardian of cosmic order. She embodies the concepts that a pharaoh must uphold for a legitimate, efficient reign, lest everything dissolve into chaos. She is also responsible for the movement of celestial bodies across the sky, and the procession of the seasons.  


Maat is worshipped by paladins as the embodiment of justice, and monks and oracles for the cosmic truth she embodies.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, protection, star, truth

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maat appears as a woman with a blue ostrich feather on her head and winged arms, carrying an ankh and a was sceptre representing life and power.


Contacts & Relations

Maat is the daughter of Ra, sister of Bastet, Hathor and Sekhmet, and wife of Thoth. She presides over the councils of the gods due to her impartiality and honesty, assists Pharasma in the judgement of souls, and opposes Set and Apep for their attempts to sow chaos.
Lawful neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Feather of Truth
Areas of Concern 
Justice, law, order, truth
Defend civilization from chaos, embody justice and honesty, be truthful and impartial in judgement
Treat family or community unfairly, lie, destroy the natural world
Favoured Weapon
Blue ostrich feather
Sacred Animal 


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