
Merab is the largest of Thuvia's five allied city-states, and is the closest thing the land has to a capital city. It is ruled by Ilepodus, Patron of Merab and has adopted Sarenrae as its patron deity, whose Temple of the Redeeming Sun is the largest temple to the Dawnflower in the country.


Although Merab is twice the size of the next largest Thuvian city-state, it has no more power than any of the others. It is currently ruled by Ilepodus, the Patron of Merab.  


Unusually for the Inner Sea region, Merab's street lighting is alchemical and gives off a blue light, although the eternal flame at the summit of the Temple of the Redeeming Sun also gives off significant light.

Industry & Trade

Merab is built on the Path of Salt, the coastal trade route that connects the city with settlements to the west. Its Flowing Market is a center of trade for alchemical wares not seen in other Thuvian city. Merab is also known to be the home of at least one representative of the Tetrad, a witchwyrd trade consortium.


The city was the birthplace of the alchemist Artokus Kirran, and it is here that he discovered the sun orchid elixir, and the city is still renowned for being home to some of Garund's best alchemists.

The discovery of the elixir lead to foreign powers threatening to attack Merab, forcing the city to establish an alliance with the other city states, an agreement that led to the founding of the present state of Thuvia. Every five years, it is Merab's turn to sell six vials of the prized elixir to foreign bidders. The elixir is normally transported by heavily armed caravans.


Merab is a port city on the Inner Sea, located on Garund's northern coast.
36,966 humans, 8,530 dwarves, 4,550 elves, 2,843 halflings 3,981 other)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
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