Nalinivati Character in Golarion | World Anvil


Nalinivati is the patron naga goddess of the snake-like humanoids known as the nagaji. She is a goddess of fertility, snakes and sorcery, she is mainly worshipped across Tian Xia.  

Church of Nalinivati

Nalinivati is also known to her worshippers as the "Queen of Nagas" and as the "Serpent's Kiss". Her worshippers are most commonly sorcerers, nagaji, and smitten lovers (in her fertility aspect) but she also has many snake cults dedicated to her. She is most popular in the realm she founded, Nagajor, but is also commonly worshipped in Dtang Ma, Xa Hoi, and Xidao. Genealogy and heritage are important to Nalinivati and her worshippers. She judges based on family as well as individual merit. The Lotus Annals are a book written by Nalinivati's great-granddaughter Holadi that contain many stories about and parables told by the goddess before she ascended to godhood. While not considered a true holy text, the Lotus Annals are thought to contain considerable spiritual wisdom for worshippers of Nalinivati.

Divine Domains

Glyph, magic, passion, wyrmkin

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nalinivati appears as a particularly huge naga of an unknown type with brilliantly coloured scales and vibrant hair. In art, she is often shown as either emerging from an egg, or protectively guarding either a single egg or a clutch of eggs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was once a mortal naga sorceress and, through her magical powers and many daughters, established Nagajor, ruling as its first queen and founding its major institutions, which persist today. Her female descendants continue to rule Nagajor as Matriarchs. She ascended to divinity through unknown means near the end of her life, and is now worshipped in many neighboring nations, as well as her home of Nagajor. Said to have created the nagaji, Nalinivati long ago gifted the race with free will. They number among her most devout non-naga worshippers.


Contacts & Relations

Nalinivati is said to be the daughter of the Vudran goddess Ravithra, having originally emerged from her throat. Nalinivati has been romantically linked with the kitsune deity Daikitsu, although both deities deny this claim.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Serpent's Kiss
First Mother (nagaji)
Queen of Nagas
Ruled Locations
Areas of Concern 
Nagaji, naga, sorcerers, lovers, snake cults
Seek out magic and use it, use poison, heal poisons, bear or adopt children, raise snakes
Kill a harmless snake or swan, spurn friends due to jealousy or romantic competition, betray your offspring, separate lovers
Favored Weapon 
Urumi, bite / jaws
Lotus flower wherein a snake lies coiled
Sacred Animal 


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