
Osiris is the Ancient Osirian god of death, the afterlife, and fertility. He dies each year with the harvest only to be reborn in the spring when plants sprout.  


Osiris' priests consist mostly of paladins, druids, and clerics. Many mystery cults are dedicated to Osiris, and their members know the secrets of life and death.

Divine Domains

Change, healing, nature, soul

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Osiris appears like a mummy with green skin, signifying his portfolio of fertility. He wears a white atef crown with two ostrich feathers and carries a crook and flail, the pharaoh's symbols of office.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to Osirian myth, Osiris was its pharaoh during the Age of Legend. His brother Set was jealous of his power, so he killed Osiris, dismembered his corpse, and scattered the pieces. Osiris' wife and sister Isis gathered the pieces and magically stitched them back, bringing Osiris back to life.


Contacts & Relations

Osiris is the brother of Isis, Nephthys and Set. He is also married to his sister Isis, and Horus is their son. He has another son, Anubis, with his other sister Nephthys. He is an ally of Anubis and Pharasma, and Set's arch-enemy.
Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Living
Areas of Concern 
Afterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrection
Favoured Weapon 
Crook and flail
Sacred Animal 


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