Sivanah (siv-AHN-ah)

Sivanah is the patron goddess of illusion magic, tricksters, and those who keep secrets. She is also known as the "Seventh Veil", a name taken from the clothing she is most often depicted wearing. Her holy symbol is a circle made of six dull-coloured veils tied end-to-end.  

Church of Sivanah

The worship of Sivanah is popular in the countries of Nex, Irrisen, and in the cities of Katapesh, while it is strictly prohibited in Nidal, due to a ban by the country's clerics of Zon-Kuthon. She is also widely worshiped among the illusionists and gnomes of Golarion, who appreciate her devotion to their favourite school of magic. Devout illusionists who follow her have been known to be able to mimic divine healing magic by use of their shadow conjuration spells.

Divine Domains

Delirium, magic, secrecy, trickery
Alternate: Glyph

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

The goddess communicates with her faithful through mirrors, reflections in water, and sometimes even through their own shadows.


Worshipers of the goddess celebrate a general holiday called Seven Veils, on either 7 or 23 Neth, as one of their most sacred of days. What rituals the church of Sivanah performs on this date, however, are unknown to outsiders, for the cult enjoys its secrets. This secrecy has, unsurprisingly, given rise to all manner of sinister rumours, yet when Seven Veils rolls around each year, its eager participants are quick to set aside rumour in preference for the night's fun and games. The festivities include comic performances, jokes, illusions, and multi-racial masquerade balls.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sivanah's ultimate goals are only known to the goddess. This concealment might be a reason why her faith has not grown more.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sivanah's true form is disguised behind her seven veils, each of which is tied to a race: (human, elf, halfling, gnome, aranea, and naga). Her true form is said to be that of a member of a seventh, unknown race, but she always appears as female. She can appear as any of these races while wearing the appropriate veil.


Contacts & Relations

Sivanah has a rivalry with Zon-Kuthon as she loathes the dark god’s corruption of shadows and sometime uses her influence to cause darkness to act unexpectedly for Zon-Kuthons clerics. Sivanah also has an incomprehensible interest in the false-god Razmir. Her followers, most often veiled witches from Irrisen, are her most commonly utilised emissaries to Razmiran.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of Illusions
The Seventh Veil
Areas of Concern 
Illusionists, tricksters
Favoured Weapon 
Bladed scarf
Veils tied in circle
Sacred Animal 
Sacred Colours 


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