
Starfall is a city just as brutal and as harsh as the unforgiving Numerian land that it is capital of. The place is a mockery of the soft capitals of the south, with a level of decadence that would even put Taldor to shame. This decadence is surrounded by the filthy reek of human misery. Here the Black Sovereign, currently Kevoth-Kul, rules utterly unchallenged, his every whim catered to, while the rest of city suffers under his harsh rule. Until recently the only people who benefitted were those who help the court of the Black Sovereign indulge in his carnal decadence.


Amalokla, Numeria's first Black Sovereign, conquered the settlement surrounding the Silver Mount in 4031 AR and named it "Starfall". During her rule, of unknown length but lasting until her death, Amalokla started the Palace of Fallen Stars and enforced traditional Kellid taboos against technology. Like all subsequent Black Sovereigns, her remains were thrown into Starfall's Bonehall.

However, Starfall was only made into the capital of Numeria when it was conquered by Kevoth-Kul, now known as the Black Sovereign. He conquered Starfall with the aim of making it the crown jewel in a united Numeria. Many believed Kevoth would expand the current borders of Numeria, conquering all before him and forging a new empire, but the city of Starfall proved to be his undoing. With the City conquered, Kevoth-Kul began listening to the words of the tainted arcanists of the Technic League, who held much influence in the city.

Their honeyed words and the strange substance concocted from liquids found in the depths of the Silver Mount began to have a profound effect on him. Kevoth's moods darkened and his aims turned from conquest to indulging in every pleasure of the flesh imaginable. He took on the title of the Black Sovereign and began reworking his capital to better suit his desires.

This changed in 4716 AR when the death of the leader of the Technic League caused the organization to devolve into backstabbing and infighting. As the surviving members of the League fled Starfall, Kevoth-Kul finally broke free from their control, and now rules Starfall in a much less erratic fashion.
24,300 humans, 2,592 halflings, 1,620 half-orcs, 1,120 androids, 1,023 dwarves, 870 orcs, 463 ratfolk, 412 other
Founding Date
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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