Zyphus (ZIE-fess or ZAI-FUSS)

Zyphus is the malignant god of accidental death. A bitter enemy of the goddess Pharasma, he is worshiped by small cults throughout Golarion. These groups foment tragedy and bring about accidents in the hopes of strengthening the power of their god. His unholy symbol is a pick made from a human skull, rib, and femur.  

Church of Zyphus

Zyphen cults are widespread, although never large in numbers. They worship in abandoned graveyards that are no longer under the protection of the Lady of Graves. His symbols are often found on arches or vaulted roofs of active graveyards as well but, used in this way, they are meant to ward off the Grim Harvestman. Recently, Zyphen cults have been active in Taldor. Zyphus has dictated no official text, but approves of his followers using the Letters of Harsh Truth, a collection of revelations about the folly of the gods, the dominance of chance, and how mortals should accept their inevitable and random deaths.

Divine Domains

Death, sorrow, souls, undeath

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Followers of the Grim Harvestman believe that the god arose from the first maddened soul to die a pointless death. It is written that since that time, every mortal that dies in the same meaningless way is destined to be absorbed by Zyphus after death. This puts him in direct competition with the goddess Pharasma, and his followers believe that once he has acquired enough souls he will be able to engineer the death of Pharasma herself. Cults of Zyphus believe that even though the deaths they help arrange are not truly accidental, these souls are still dedicated to strengthen their patron.


Contacts & Relations

Zyphus views Urgathoa as his mentor, and shares many interests with her. He is trying to convince Naderi that chance can always take away one's loved one, in the process turning her toward evil. Most other gods view him as more of an annoyance than an actual threat; he is particularly opposed by Abadar, Torag, Brigh, and especially Pharasma. His cults sometimes work alongside daemon worshippers, but are always wary of them.
Neutral evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grim Harvestman;
The Harbinger of Unexpected Tragedy;
Most Hated Rival of Pharasma
Areas of Concern 
Accidental death
Bitter sufferers of tragedy or loss
Set pointless traps, spread nihilism, encourage deadly accidents
Spread hope, provide aid to Pharasmins
Favoured Weapon 
Heavy pick
Pick axe made of a femur, a human skull, and a large rib
Sacred Animal 
Sacred Colours 
Ivory, red


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