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GB 13 - Rickety Bridge

pg 65   8E   Trivial 2   The Thorn River winds through a 20-foot-deep gulch here, nestled between a pair of rocky hills. An old wooden bridge spans the gulch, allowing passage over the river—provided not too many creatures attempt to cross it at once. The bridge can support one Medium creature or two Small creatures at a time, but groans and creaks ominously as it does so. The local bandits know to cross the bridge one at a time. A successful DC 15 Athletics check to Climb allows a PC to scale the sides of the gulch, while the river itself can be navigated by a PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Athletics check to Swim.  
Rickety Bridge - Hazard 4

Stealth DC 22
Description The bridge creaks and strains alarmingly.
Disable Crafting DC 25 to Repair the bridge as an individual hexploration activity.
Collapse Trigger Two or more Medium creatures or a Large or larger creature crosses the bridge; Effect The bridge collapses. The triggering creature(s) fall into the river below, taking no damage from the fall itself due to the deep water, but taking 2d8+5 bludgeoning damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) from falling debris. For 1 round after the collapse, the waters below the bridge churn violently, requiring a DC 20 Athletics check to Swim.

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