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GB 15 - Nettles' Crossing

pg 66   E6   Moderate 2   Davik Nettles was a Brevic Engineer who ran a profitable toll bridge here until the Stag Lord told him that his men would cross for free and that he needed to pay 'protection'. He ran them off. They came back in the night and burned his house. Davik evertually fled to the bridge. When he was mid span the Stag Lord's men cut the ropes. Davik drowned in the river.   Davik rose the next night and killed the brigands still on his land. The Stag Lord sent men to investigate and he slew more of them, but 3 returned to the Stag Lord to let him know what was happening. The Stag Lord has abandoned his plans for the bridge.   Today, Nettles’ Crossing is a soggy, abandoned remnant. One thick and sagging rope still hangs across the river, all that remains of the bridge that once spanned it. A signpost at either end of the ruined bridge reads “Nettles’ Crossing—5 coppers— ring bell for service.” A rusty bell hangs by each sign. On the south bank of the river, encroaching vegetation has slowly devoured the crumbled remains of a burned‑down wooden building. Crossing the river via the hanging rope is possible with a successful DC 15 Athletics check to Climb, but the rope snaps if more than two Medium creatures two Small creatures count as one Medium creature) attempt to cross at the same time. Anyone who falls into the river is carried downstream, eventually snagged on the rubble of old bridge remnants; otherwise, it’s a DC 15 Athletics check to Swim in the river.   If anyone rings one of the bells on either shore or attempts to cross the river, Davik’s haunted remains take note. Now a unique undead menace, Davik’s rotting body climbs from the rubble downstream and makes its inexorable way across the river’s surface, walking over the water toward the PCs. The sight of the obviously long-dead man, flesh putrescent and dripping, ranseur clutched in his hands, may well drive the PCs to attack. Yet as Davik rises from the waters, he calls out to them in an eerie, soggy voice, “You are not my tormentors. Bring me the Stag Lord’s body. Throw him into the river, that I may look upon his face in death. Or join me instead.”

If the PCs attack Davik, he fights back with a furious rage. If destroyed, he rejuvenates the next night. While he cannot travel more than a mile from the site of his death (except to claim the Stag Lord’s remains from the Shrike River), he can use nightmare to plague one of the PCs.   Reward: If the PCs bring the Stag Lord’s remains to Davik Nettles, grant them XP as if they had defeated Davik in combat.  
Davik Nettles - Creature 4

Perception +10; darkvision
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +11

STR +5 , DEX +3 , CON +2 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA +3

Items +1 Ranseur
AC 19
Saving Throws Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +10
HP70 - Resistances fire 7
Speed 25', Swim 25'
Melee Melee ranseur +14 (disarm, reach), Damage 1d10+7piercing
Melee fist +13 (agile), Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning
Special Abilities Fearsome Gaze (concentrate, divine, emotion, fear, mental,visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 18 Will save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature becomes frightened 1.
Critical Failure The creature becomes frightened 2.
  Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) If Davik is reduced to 0 Hit Points, his bones and gear melt into water that runs back into the river or seeps into the ground, leaving nothing behind. The next night, he rises again from his original location in the rubble located downstream from the ruined ferry crossing. When he does, he is completely healed of all damage, but now his unholy anger is directed at those who previously destroyed him as well as at the Stag Lord. He can use nightmare to threaten the one who destroyed him, promising to drag them to a drowning death unless the Stag Lord’s remains are given to the river. Dispel magic (DC 19 counteract check) can remove this sinister link between Davik and his destroyer, preventing Davik from using nightmare on that creature again until they return to this location. As long as the PCs don’t abandon their goal of hunting the Stag Lord, Davik remains content and does not plague their dreams.   Rotting Stench (aura, olfactory) 10 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (plus slowed 1 on a critical failure for as long as it’s sickened). While within the aura, creatures also take a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against fear and to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute and does not take the penalty to saves against fear effects.   Focus Gaze (concentrate, divine, emotion, fear, mental,visual) Davik fixes his glare at a creature he can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a Will save against Davik’s Fearsome Gaze. On a failed save, if the target is already frightened, the value of its frightened condition is increased by 1 (or by 2 on a critical failure). After attempting its save, the creature is then temporarily immune until the start of Davik’s next turn.   Sure Possession As long as Davik Nettles continues to exist, his +1 ranseur cannot be taken from him. If disarmed of the +1 ranseur, if he drops it, or if it’s destroyed, the ranseur melts into water; he can retrieve his +1 ranseur by pulling it out of any body of water as an Interact action. If Davik is put to rest permanently by fulfilling his quest, his +1 ranseur loses this ability and can be claimed by someone else.
Spells Divine Innate Spells DC 21; 4th nightmare; Constant (2nd) water walk (self only)

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