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A bard from Galt, Linzi left her homeland due to a revolution that was happening. She made her way to Pitax, because she had heard the ruler, King Irovetti, was a patron of the arts. After arriving there, she found that this was propaganda, with the artisans there struggling to produce original art due to the regime's suppression and meddling in their work.
  Linzi learned the value of resistance and rebellion in Pitax. After writing a raunchy limerick about the King, she was expelled from the city. So headed east to try and find notable heroes who could be models for which to base her masterpiece on. 
Linzi - CREATURE 1

Female gutsy halfling bard (Artist background)
Perception +6 (expert Keen Eyes
Languages Common, Halfling, Hallit
Skills Acrobatics +6 (trained), Art Lore +4 (trained), Bardic Lore +4 (trained), Crafting +4 (trained), Deception +7 (trained), Diplomacy +7 (trained), Occultism +4 (trained), Performance +7 (trained), Society +4 (trained), Stealth +6 (trained)

STR -1 , DEX +3 , CON +1 , INT +1 , WIS +1 , CHA +4

Items backpack, flint and steel, Jade Cat Talisman, journal, lute, Onyx Panther, padded armor, rapier, rations (1 week), shortbow, waterskin, writing set
AC 17
Saving Throws Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 25'
Melee rapier +6 (deadly d8, disarm, finesse), Damage 1d6–1 piercing
Ranged shortbow +6 (deadly d10, range 60 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing
Special Abilities Halfling Luck
Ancestry Feats Halfling Luck
Class Feats Bardic Lore
Skill Feats Specialty Crafting (artistry)
Class Abilities Composition Spells, Muse (enigma), Occult Spellcasting, Spell Repertoire
Spells Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st inkshot, soothe, true strike; Cantrips (1st) ghost sound, light, mage hand, read aura, telekinetic projectile
Bard Composition Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 17; 1st counter performance; Cantrips (1st) inspire courage.

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