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This follower of Lamashtu wants to become a hero so that he can become the fifth goblin hero god. He grew up in a Mudsip, a village in the Hooktongue Slough. He survived a hydra attack on his village because he was stuck in a tree stump trying to eat a newt. He returns home to find the hydra slithering back into the swamp. Nok-Nok looted the village for what he could find and took the episode as a sign from Lamashtu that he should head east. He has convinced himself that that he defeated the hydra and that his kukris were given to him by Lamashtu.
  On meeting the PC's his begs them to let him travel with them.
Nok-Nok - Creature 1

Irongut goblin rogue (criminal background)
Perception +14 (expert)
Languages Common, goblin
Skills Acrobatics +7 (trained), Athletics +4 (trained), Deception +5 (trained), Diplomacy +5 (trained), Intimidation +5 (trained), Performance +5 (trained), Religion +2 (trained), Society +3 (trained), Stealth +7 (trained), Survival +2 (trained), Thievery +7 (trained), Underworld Lore +3 (trained)

STR +1 , DEX +4 , CON +3 , INT +0 , WIS -1 , CHA +2

Items cookware, flint and steel, kukris (2), leather armor, rations (1 week), wooden religious symbol, shortbow (20 arrows), thieves’ tools, torches (6), waterskin, backpack
AC 18
Saving Throws Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4
Speed 25'
Melee kukri +4 (agile, finesse, trip), Damage 1d6+1 slashing
Ranged shortbow +7 (deadly d10, range 60 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing
Special Abilities Ancestry Feats Very Sneaky
Class Feats Twin Feint
Skill Feats Experienced Smuggler, Pickpocket
Class Abilities Rogue’s Racket (scoundrel), Sneak Attack 1d6, Surprise Attack

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