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Session 7 - Radishes - Nok-nok - Oleg's

General Summary

Sarenith 8 travelled through 7E Sarenith 9 travelled through 8d Sarenith 10-11 reconned 9C - found radish patch - attacked by kobolds - witnessed by Nok-nok the goblin, who was very impressed by the party and wants them to teach him how to be a hero   Sarenith 12 - 20 - returned to Oleg's - Completed Svetlana's Ring, Moon Radishes. Characters did downtime activities
  • Met Kesten Garess - leader of mercenaries sent by Restov to guard Oleg's - Tauhkson (Chad) was convinced to join the party after Seelah left to return to Restov.
  • Met Jhod Kavken - Druid of Erastil - who told the party he was drawn to the area by a vision of an abandoned shrine that needed cleansing
  • Met Bokken - the local alchemist and potion dealer - wants Fangberries for his brews. If received he will share recipes with Roc.
  • Met Linzi - who is writing a book about the adventures of the party.
  • Learned about the bounty on Tuskgutter the boar
  • Learned about Oleg's desire for a tatzlwyrm head/trophy
Sarenith 21-23 Travelled to 8C Sarenith 24 Travelled to 7D - were attracted to the large dead tree - found the bandit's cache
Report Date
04 Nov 2023

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