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Amber Elf

The Amber Elves of Cathaír Ombra are a strange breed, even among their wood elf kin. Long ago they were the ascendant people of the Wood Elves, when their king Fíaglasir still walked the world and their perfect, golden city was still standing. That was many moons ago, and the Amber Elves have lost all that they held dear to the depredations of the Cathairans, World-Hunger and other fey lords, but against all odds they are still standing, building their strength in the dark and hidden places.
The Amber Elves are of the King in Green's lineage, and they are thus far too noble to ever seek vengance. Justice however? That is another matter.


Shared customary codes and values

Strength in Song
All Amber Elves are marked by the persecution and separation of their people from the rest of Wood Elf society, and they understand that there is no place for their golden eyes in the world that the Eternal King is building. They have built a culture of defiance against the darkness and against those who would break their spirit, and they maintain this defiance in song, art and martial training.
Especially valued to the amber elves is song, the oral history of their people and their god performed in beautiful, heart-wrenching songs that remind them of the people lost and the legacy denied.


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