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Ceren Charadric

Champion of Prince Ishmael Ceren Charadric (a.k.a. Honey)

A fugitive from his homelands quickly adapting to a new way of life, searching for the means to undo what sent him away from home, and to be free of who helped him...

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and agile. Surprisingly strong when it comes to more technical tasks.

Body Features

Missing left ear.

Facial Features

A sleek face with slightly rounded features giving off a youthful look.

Identifying Characteristics

His half long curly brown hair, and missing left ear.

Physical quirks

Always fiddling with something in his fingers.

Apparel & Accessories

A finely tailored Akshusian suit, incorporating his cloak and boots of elvenkind as well as the Owl pin. A pair of fine silk gloves with almost unnoticeable gold string woven into the wrist. A pair of goggles with owl like features for tactical operations.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Growing up on the streets of Chéad Cathair, Ceren doesn't have a lot of academic training, but has learned the essentials from his parents. He is also a highly trained "asset" when it comes to retrieving items that are hard to get a hold of. Both from his training with his father, and from his time in The Gold Hands.


He is currently working as one of the Champion of Prince Reagent Ishmael Taninn with The Owls, as well as being a part of The Golden Hands, and doing work for an external "generous benefactor".

Accomplishments & Achievements

Escaped the Glade Knights of Chéad Cathair. Wooing Blaecbrand Edrys ;) Sneaking into and blowing up the Star Children War Camp.

Failures & Embarrassments

Trying to double cross The Eternal Kings' General, getting his parents inprisoned in The Twisting Trails, and becoming a fugitive having to make a deal with The Laughing Wolf to get out, now owing his life to him. Drawing one too many cards from The Deck of Many Things resulting in his soul being ripped from his body and flung into a stone in the possession of Graz'zt, the Daemon Lord of pleasure and pain.

Mental Trauma

Having his family ripped away from him by his own hand trying to prove himself to them. Having his soul torn from his body. Having an aspect of The Dragon God showing him his worst fears.

Intellectual Characteristics

Verry cunning and perceptive. A good, and very direct, problem solver, favoring solutions with less direct involvement, preferably going unnoticed. A bit lacking in general knowledge. Has been very awkward socially, but has become better after spending a lot of time with BB.

Morality & Philosophy

Ceren believes in redemption in others, because he feels he needs it himself. He is also very comitted to his friends and feels strongly about making sure other children don't have to endure the same loss he has.

Personality Characteristics


Freeing his parents and paying his debt to The Laughing Wolf. More recently; making sure that Blaecbrand is safe and well.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good at precise and technical tasks, especially with his hands, but lacks a proper understanding of the world and the complexity of people. Is also good at keeping calm in most situations.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes problems with a simple solution, where he can simply apply the necessary skill. Likes people who are skilled at what they do, and respect their craft.   Dislikes when people in power shows lack of skill that has consequences for their subjects and general abuse of power.

Virtues & Personality perks

He sees good in people. It doesn't meen that he trusts them, but he believes that if we are good to people, they are more inclined to being good towards both us and others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lacks long term perspective, often taking deals without worrying about long term repercussions. Has a very soft spot for Blaecbrand.

Personality Quirks

Doesn't quite understand Akshusian culture, so can behave a little strange at times. Is also always fidgeting with something in his fingers.


Very clean, particularly caring for his hair


Contacts & Relations

The Owls The Gold Hands The Laughing Wolf

Family Ties

Mother and Father imprisoned in The Twisting Trails. Twin brother who was stillborn.

Religious Views

Intrigued by The Dragon God from what he has seen from Davor and Gregorio.

Social Aptitude

Kind of awkward, but improving



Wealth & Financial state

Growing up his family didn't have much. After working with The Gold Hands he has been able to sustain a comfortable, but simple lifestyle on his own, but after becoming the Prince's Champions, he has gotten used to living in a palace.

Ceren Charadric, son of Aislinn and Caratacos Charadric. Born and raised in the streets of Chéad Cathair to become the greatest thief there is.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Champion of the Crown "Shady looking guy"
Date of Birth
21th of Storm
Chéad Cathair
Current Residence
The Royal Palace in Ælmesleóht
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan
175 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I could probably steal that"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish and Thieves' Cant