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The Knife with the Metal Arm

A group of starchildren are harassing Janson's Expedition and preparing to attack it. The Owls, together with Theowulf's Witchhunters and the Bín'nko Bánta, led by captain Orkhomenos Grigorates, are sent to deal with the situation. There they must fight a battle in the name of the Gold Empire, destroying the enemies of the Dragon God.


The complexity of conflict, whereby people all fight eachother for reasons that are entirely valid to themselves. Everyone justifies their own actions and on some level all actions are justified. And still we fight.



Defeating the Starchildren Excavation
Killing or capturing the Knife with the metal arm


If the Starchildren are allowed to continue their operations they will recieve access to a powerful weapon, the Purple Worm, to use in their nefarious schemes. This Worm will give them great power and allow them to threaten more parts of Akshus.
If the Knife with the Metal Arm is captured alive, she will be able to give valuable intel to the Witchhunters regarding the location of the Iron Temple.



Theowulf and the Witchhunters Theowulf has been given a decree by the bishop to hunt down all the starchildren. When he recieved news from captain Janson that he was expecting an attack, he decided to travel westwards as quickly as possible. He has now come to the aid of the expedition. He hopes to defeat the starchildren in the area, but even more than that he hopes to gather knowledge. He understands that this excavation is merely a relatively small part of a much larger conspiracy and he hopes that the Knife with the Metal Arm may aid in discovering more about the Church. He is particularily curious about where her arm might have come from...
With him travels Sandor, Tsutumo, Dominik and Ehrenfried. When battle is joined he intends for them to operate as a kill team, going for high-value targets.   They count as one formation of 5 with a CS of 65.
Orkhomenos and the Bín'nko Bánta Orkhomenos Grigoratos is captain of the Bín'nko Bánta, a mercenary company of veteran warriors from half a dozen different fighting forces all united in a common desire to meet their end in battle. They have been operating in the Ye'or-delta for the last three or so years, taking on odd jobs here and there. This is the first time in seven months that the entire company will be gathered for fighting one foe. The Bín'nko Bánta is relatively small, only numbering fifty or so souls, but they are all veteran warriors with a lifetime of war behind them. Orkhomenos is known as a direct and blunt fighter, and he leads the company in just that manner.
Alongside Orkhomenos stand a number of senior officers, who lead the Bín'nko Bánta. Cynegold is an elf from Ixencíud with a special penchant for firepowder. She is the company's explosives expert. Peder Larsen is a dwarf from Sceya, an old nasty fighter who has several scars from battles against fire giants and hobgoblins in the mountains of his homeland. He is a brutal close-quarters fighter, who often fights alongside Orkhomenos in the shieldwall, taking hits and scrapes for his old friend. Mella is an old orcish lady from the Whiesian plains, who channels the spirits of her ancestors in elegant and cunning blows. Ubaida is an akshusian who suffered a terrible wound from fire during the Glassing. Most of the right side of her body is covered in old burn-scars. She is an expert tracker and ranger of the sand-dunes and Orkhomenos accepted her among the Bín'nko Bánta for just this reason.
In battle the Bín'nko Bánta can take on any enemy and fight in any way nessecary. This variety comes from experience. They know a thing or two because they've seen a thing or two. They will do anything they are ordered to, so long as it involves fighting.   They count as a formation of 50, with a CS of 55.
Captain Janson and his expedition
Captain Janson is a well-known dwarven explorer from For Sur. His father found the legendary Godpeak Underway, and captain Janson has made a name for himself exploring the mountains of Sceya and Whiesia. He most recently served Grand Commander Allexander, and he was responsible for the flooding of the City of Towers alongside his team of demolition experts. Now he leads these experts as they are mapping the portions of the Marid's Eye where it feeds into the Ye'or delta, eventually hoping to build some dams.
There are a few of them, only about twenty, and they are a highly specialized force. They have access to cannons and mortars and can aid in combat that way, or by fighting with heavy crossbows and bombs.
In addition to these soldiers there are just shy of fifty civilians, most of them experts in different fields.
Janson and his explosives team count as a formation of 20, with a CS of 50. If they are given the chance to use their artillery in support of another formation, they give that formation a +15 to its CS.


The Githzherai Zerth Elirdain
The githzherai zerth has been waiting for a week for a chance to strike at the Excavation site, and the battle finally gives him a chance to do so. Elirdain is one of the few, perhaps the only one as far as he knows, who has succsesfully passed through the imperial blockade in the south. Though he made his way through he was wounded in the attempt. He has come to this excavation where he knows there is medical equipment for Githzherai. His travels so far has also seen him through a few other starchildren bases. While he was originally supposed to aid akshusian rebels, he has realized that the Church of the Starchildren are the greater threat, as they must work for the Starchildren. As a githzherai he has a duty to protect Akshus from invaders, but his duty to protect Akshus from astral species comes first. He does not wish to see the akshusians become bound by psionic might again. 
During the battle he will strike at the headquarters of the Starchildren, hoping to get his hands on the equipment he needs and get some answers before the imperials can reach him. If the Owls reach him he is mistrustful of them, Blaecbrand in particular. He will prefer to avoid combat if he can and reason with them to let him go, as they all wish to fight the starchildren.


The Starchildren
The Starchildren of the Excavation are on a mission from the Void Prophet himself, unearthing the Purple Worm. They are lead by Sehar, a high-ranking Knife, who has assembled a big force of Starchildren to take the Expedition. There are 80 Akshusian Tribesmen in the Excavation, most of them being from the Deep Sect but a few being recruited from nearby Knife-chapels. There are 20 Akshusian Cavalrymen, trained to fight from horseback, which they will do during a potential battle. Alongside these there are 15 Troopers who are on watch duty from bunkers atop the ridge, 5 enforcers who lead the ordinary tribesmen and 2 Syd Shifratan-cyborgs (cyborgs with big-ass swords). The Starchildren are dedicated to the fight, but many of them are still rather inexperienced in real war. They will only keep fighting so long as their leaders stand with them and they have the fire-support from the Troopers. Should these fall, they would be willing to surrender. At any given time, there are five groups scouting aronud the mesa at about 500 feet away. Each of these groups is lead by a Trooper, who has with him five Akshusian Tribesmen and one Akshusian Cavalryman. If they are attacked or see something the cavalryman will ride quickly to the excavation, while the rest try to hold of whatever foe is facing them. The Trooper will fire his weapon, letting the Outpost know that something is happening.
The Tribesmen,  cavalrymen and enforcers are one formation of 100 with a CS of 40. If the cavalry is taken out this will be reduced by 10. If the Enforcers are taken out this will be reduced by 10. If they receive support from the Troopers, their CS will increase by 20, to a total of 50. If the Syd Shifratan join the fray, the Tribesmen formation will recieve an additional 10 to their CS. The barricades of the carriages will give an additional +10, so long as they are maintained.
The Troopers are one formation of 15 with a CS of 40, though from their position in the bunkers they add +20 to the CS of the Tribesmen formation.
If the Syd Shifratan join the fray, the Tribesmen formation will receive an additional 10 to their CS. The Syd Shifratan count as a formation of 2 with a CS of 65
The Knife with the Metal Arm - Sehar
Sehar is the leader of the Knives who have been sent to the Excavation. She is a cunning and ruthless Knife, who is currently leading most of the Starchildren's military operations, as she is direct and violent with little patience for the subtlety required for spying and assassinations. She lost her arm during the Siege of Ælmesleóht, when a Devotion Legionnaire cut it off. She was one of the first disciples of Al-Saifa, and she underwent early enhancements by the Iron sect. She was one of the first first-generation cyborgs, and in the years since her enhancement she has added to her new mechanical arm, giving it jet thrusters and the ability to control other second-generation cyborgs.
Alongside her on this mission she has several other Knives. She has four disciples with her and two telekines. The telekines are mostly for operating the teleporter and other technical equipment in the outpost.
In battle Sehar will wait at the back of the formation for an opportune chance to kill the enemy force's leaders. Alongside her she will have her Knife disciples and the Syd Shifratan. If someone penetrates into the outpost she will retreat to deal with any flankers.



Janson's Expedition
Jansons Ekspedisjon ligg ved Maridens Auge, ein djup innsjø. Den har ein dock som står ut til innsjøen og lar skip gå til land. Docksne går inn til sjølve compoundet, som er omringa av ein palisade. I compoundet er det eit varehus (kor det er explosives, to kannoner og fire mortars), eit office til Jansons med karts og slik, brakker til resten av folka som jobber der og ein alkymistisk verkstad kor alkymistene lager potions of water breathing til utforskinga.
The Starchildren Excavation
The Starchildren have uncovered an old illithid weapons outpost and weapons depot, carved into a small mesa. The mesa is 45 feet tall, approximately circular and 100 feet wide. In the centre of the mesa there is an opening about 30 feet wide. It is here that most of the work of cataloging the artefacts from the outpost takes place, and it is also here the Syd Shifratan-cyborgs are stationed. The Mind Flayer outpost is carved into the rock of the mesa itself, and there are several bunkers on the upper levels from where Troopers can aim down and shoot upon attackers. In the other rooms on the mesa level there has been made space for communication and teleportation devices. Most of the lower levels of the outpost have been sealed off by powerful elemental magic.
A cave goes into this central opening and an entryway from the opening leads into the actual complex. To the west of the mesa there is a small oasis, which the Excavation team uses for water. Around the mesa there are twenty or so rather large tents, loosely organized in concentric rings going out from the mesa at a 120 degree angle. There are a fifteen horses tied to trees by the oasis (the remaining five being out on scouting missions around the area), which are supposed to be used to drive the carriages off but will be used by the Starchildren in the event of an attack as cavalry. The carriages are put around the camp as a makeshift barricade, from which the five troopers leading scouting missions can fire into a potential enemy force.
The Mind Flayer Outpost
The Mind Flayer Outpost is divided into three layers, the upper, middle and lower layer.
Upper Layer
Four tunnels run directly up to the upper layer from the middle layer. The Mind Flayers originally just levitated up, while any of their insectoid warriors could simply climb straight up. The Starchildren mostly lack these abilities and have instead tied ropes at the top, which they use to climb up. The Upper Layer is thirty feet above ground level, and is ten feet tall. The upper layer is relatively simple in the nature of its technology: it really only has force fields in the windows of the bunkers that can be activated by a terminal in each room. The upper layer is divided into four bunkers with corridors running between them. The tunnels are in the middle of these corridors. The bunkers have 5 feet tall windows from which the starchildren troopers can fire down. 
Each of the four bunkers are 40 feet long and 20feet wide, with doors leading around into twenty-feet wide corridors leading to similar bunkers on the other cardinal points of the mesa. The forcefields are normally on and only switch off when the Starchildren decide to fire.
Middle Layer
The Middle layer consists of a 10 feet wide corridor going all the way around the perimeter of the mesa, except for where the tunnel leads through it.


Desert Climate
Kvar dag triller eg ein d20 og på mellom 18-20 så er det ikkje extreme heat. Ellers så er det extreme heat. Ein må MINST drikke eit waterskin for dagen. Då må ein ta ein Constitution saving throw med DC 15 eller få eit level med exhaustion. Om ein drikker to waterskins er DC-en 5. Ein har disadvantage på desse om ein marsjerer i middel eller heavy armour. Ein treng ikkje gjere det om ein er resistant eller immun mot fire damage. Om ein ikkje drikker får ein automatisk eit level med exhaustion, og om ein allereie har det får ein to. Ein har advantage om ein går med varmklima klede og utan armour.
Om natten må ein sove i telt og med bed rolls for å unngå kulden. Om ein ikkje gjer det må ein ta ei constitution saving throw med DC 10 eller få eit level med exhaustion.
1-12 ingen vind
13-17 svak vind
18-20 sandstorm
Ei sandstorm oppstår når det kjem ei sterk vind som får støv og sand til å bevege seg raskt i ei storm. Kvar time ein reiser i ei sandstorm teller som to timer for å bestemme kor langt ein kan reise, ein kan kun reise på ein slow pace og ein har disadvantage på Perception checks. Ein kan heller ikkje fly i ei sandstorm. På slutten av ei dag med reise må ein ta ei Constitution saving throw lik 10+kor mange timer man har reist eller få eit level med exhaustion (sandbetennelse). Dette kan ein unngå om man setter opp talt, men då risikerer man å bli dekka av sand.


Scouting the Excavation The Owls will be given the chance to scout the Excavation, that way hopefully learning some useful things about its defenses and what they have inside. There are five guard patrols patrolling in a loose circle 500 feet from the camp center. There are no guards with the actual perimeter of the camp, but Troopers and Knives patrol within the outpost itself. The Owls might overhear the following pieces of lore
  • The attack on Janson's Expedition is going to take place in three days. The warriors are ready and just waiting for the order from Sehar.
  • Sehar is a cunning military commander who lost her arm during the siege of Ælmesleóht. She has given herself fully over to the gods and she fights with tremendous fury.
  • The warriors are excited to the Blessed, the Syd Shifratan, in action. They haven't seen them since their caskets were brought in from the Iron Temple. They are supposed to be three meters tall, with blades the length of ordinary men that crackle with lightning.
The Owls might also discover these facts:
  • There are bunkers set into the upper parts of the mesa, from where the Troopers can fire down into the fray.
  • The lowermost levels of the Outpost are sealed off by some very tough stone, and the starchildren need the explosives to blow it up.
  • There are carriages oriented in a circle around the camp, giving any potential defenders cover.
  • The bunkers are connected to the rest of the outpost.

Planning the Battle After having hopefully discovered some useful information, the Owls are left to plan the battle together with Theowulf, Orkhomenos and Janson. Theowulf suggests several different approaches.
The Battle for the Excavation
The Battle for the Excavation is a Skirmish worth 600 Victory Points, with the following Pivotal Events:
  • Stopping the Troopers - 300 VP - Starchildren Troopers are raining fire down from the bunkers above the battlefield, holding the imperial forces back and damaging morale. They must be stopped. There are ten of them in one of the bunkers in the top of the mesa, in a room 40 feet long and twenty feet wide, with doors leading around into twenty-feet wide corridors leading to similar bunkers on the other cardinal points of the mesa. In these corridors there are also drops straight down, with ropes for climbing up and down.
  • The Syd Shifratan Join the Fray - 300 VP - the Syd Shifratan are massive cyborgs bearing down on the imperial forces, doing serious damage. They must be killed. This combat will involve heading down into the battle to defeat them.
  • Killing the Enforcers - 200 VP - the Enforcers lead the Starchildren forces and eliminating them would be useful to breaking their morale and leadership.
  • Dismounting the cavalry - 100 VP - the akshusian cavalry is dangerous when left to its own devices, perhaps killing the horses would be useful?
  • Disarming the Knives - 200 VP - killing the knives would strike a decisive blow at the Starchildrens' morale.
  • Killing the Knife with the Metal Arm - 400 VP
The Owls may also come up with different suggestions for how they might want to defeat their enemies.
An Alien Mind
The githzherai Elirdain has succesfully made his way past the starchildrens' guards, making his way to a small githzherai temple in the mesa. There he is collecting as much equipment as he can before the imperials arrive. He is safely behind a wall of force that prevents psionic teleportation.
Old Enemies
Sehar is waiting in the lower levels with her remaining forces, hoping to take out any who dare strike at her. If she is reduced to 1/4 hit points she will try to flee through the teleporter to the Knife Temple. She has the telekines and Knives with her.
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