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The Nightmare of Saint Davor

Something cruel and malicious afflicts Davor as he lies in a restless sleep. The Owls must walk the halls of his mind and save him from himself, and the shadowy entity that lays claim to Davor's mind. The shame of the past, the hopelessness of the future and the ashen feeling of abandonment come together as a cruel puppetmaster reveals himself.



Accused of lying
Davor stands in an eternal courtroom, where he is being held accountable for all his flaws and mistakes. The courtroom smells of ash, and the judge is an ashen father Silvyr. Davor is accused of the following things, by the following people: Silvyr accuses him of destroying Toirecíud by killing him Gregorio accuses him of not being a true saint, but a liar His wife accuses him of leaving her and their children for his own selfish reasons The party must defend him from these accusations. Party's goal: convince Davor that he did what he thought was right and good at the time. They don't have to defend Davor from the court, the court hates him, they just have to convince Davor that he did the right thing.
Notes for Davor: Davor here should be filled with shame, guilt and regret, and the party should have the chance to change his mind.
Achieving everything
  Davor has become a Decarc of the church, the Grand Forgemaster of the Bronze Church, but he is now stuck in his role with no chance for change or doing anything new. He is stuck with eternal paperwork, and there is always some other little thing to do. Davor has become disillusioned with life, he simply exists he doesn't truly live.
The party must help him with realizing that more is still possible to achieve, that he can still be part of something great, that he can still do good things. Party's goal: set Davor free form this non-life by showing him that he can still do good, even if he has to leave his post.
Notes for Davor: Davor should here be bored and nihilistic, seeing no real point to existence.
Being abandoned
  Davor stands in an ashen subterranean cavern. He is old, with rought wrinkly skin and long unkempt grey hair. Around him lie the skeletons of his friends and family, covered in ashes. In front of him lies a hammer, burning with dark red malice. From that hammer flies a ghostly form, a Lars who is crimson of skin and black of heart. This Lars has small horn curling up from his temple and he smiles a mirthless smile. He tries to convince Davor to pick him up, to wield him with rage in his heart and vengeance in his mind. Davor resists the urge for now, as he knows that giving in to such a temptation will surely destroy him. But he is alone, and who knows how much longer he can resist? When the Owls come to him, Davor doesn't believe it. His friends died long ago, these are just memories come to haunt him in his loneliness.
The Owls must prove to Davor that they are real, that they are his friends and that they are there with him. That he hasn't been abandoned. Party's goal: prove that they are Davor's friends and that they've come to save him. This evil reflection of Lars will argue against them at every turn, representing the parts of Davor that doesn't believe he is good enough for friends, his insecurities.
Notes for Davor: Davor should be lonely, sad and inconsolable.
The God of Fire and Ash Uglene slåss mot den siste motstanderen i ein arena av graver som er cirka 80 fot i diameter og ender i evig mørke. They are attacked by a gargantuan draconic skeleton in black iron armour that strikes at them with a collosal, flaming longsword and occasionaly shoots fireballs. He is essentially a Deathknight but doesn't use any of his spells. On initative count 20 he will make one person, the one that has dealt the most damage to him, crumble in fear. He starts with this on round 2.
On the following rounds, things also happen:
  • Round 2: 4 Specters spawn
  • Round 4: 3 Sword Wraiths spawn
  • Round 6: 2 Revenants spawn
  • Round 8: 20 Skeletons spawn

When people are consoled they gain the benefits of a Long Rest.
People's fears: Blaecbrand: Blaecbrand loses control of her body and is deformed in a dragon-freak, with a body she can't control. She also sees her father, an ashen avatar of war, death, fire and blood. He speaks with a voice like volcanic gravel, and tells her what a wonderful weapon she is, that she is far more useful than Ishmael. A far more worthy heir to his throne of blood. When he lifts his hand she feels lift as well, against her own will. The others can't see how Blaecbrand has changed, and they can't see the apparation of Ibrahim. Blaecbrand sees a band of civilians, tied to posts in an ashen desert. Ibrahim will want her to burn them, and if she fails a DC 18 Wisdom save on her turn she will fire something fire-related at a point of my choice:))
Consolation: When Blaecbrand is consoled by Davor she gains complete control of her body, and she feels that she can take any form she so chooses.  
Ceren: Ceren gets his hands cut off, dropping to the ground with a wet crack. He sees Blaecbrand look at him with disgust and, even worse, pity. She says "By the Raven Queen, how could I ever love you? All you had were your hands, that's all you had going for you." After one round she says: "Even with your hands you couldn't protect your parents, how are you going to have any hope now?" After two rounds she says, heartbroken: "Why did I choose you over Nadir? She has someone else now! Damn you Ceren, this is all your fault!"
When he is supported by Davor his parents manifest and support him. He sees his hands again and his parents shoot with him. For one attack per round he can roll three times as many dice as normal.
Rod: The God of Ash collapses a building over him but none of the others see this building. Rod feels himself being crushed, as he is Prone, Restrained and Blinded. He must succeed on a DC 18 Strength save on his turns to avoid taking 2d10 bludgeoning damage, as the weight crushes him. 
Conslation: When Rod is consoled he grows four giant wings, giving him a flying speed of 60 ft. He also gains the benefits of a potion of Giant size and strength 30.
Dolk: Dolk ser ein ond reflection av seg sjølv, med tattoveringer som lyser mørkt raudt og lukten av svovel på luften. I sin venstre hånd har denne Dolken eit sverd av lyn og i sin høgre ein pisk av flammer. Store vinger av flamme breier seg ut frå bak på Dolks rygg. Ved Dolks føtter ligg det mange uskyldige, deriblandt Po og dusinvis av Githzheraier. Demon-Dolk spør "Veit du kven du eigentleg er?".
Consolation: Dolk unlocked nokre av sine indre krefter, som eg må få laga. Champion-Warlock Dragon lets goooo. Dolk blir seg sjølv igjen og unlocker midlertidig mange av minnene sine på ein naturleg måte, men desse forsvinner raskt.
Po: Po ser eit hologram av moren sin, som ber han om hjelp, da imperielle tropper endeleg har komt til Fredens Øy og dei slakter ned sivile. Forræderkongen har komt på dragen sin og øya brenner, det kjem ikkje til å være noko i live når han er ferdig. Po må komme og hjelpe.
Consolation: Po unlocker noko av sitt indre potensiale han ikkje visste han hadde. Han får statsne til den mellomgode engelen og kan bruke dei interchangeably med sine eigne.
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