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History of the United Kingdom of Mythica

There there was an ongoing battle between the kingdoms of Crysalia, which was guarded by the Water Dragon, and Emberlynnd , which was defended by the Fire Pheonix. Seeing all the suffering that the people were enduring the two gods could not stand by, defying their role as gods who could only observe they ascended to the lower realm to help. For this Dhumlos the high god punished them that they would never be able to return to the High realm they must stay in the lower realm for all of eternity protecting the people.
While in the lower they found two people who were from the opposing sides of the war were helping all those who were in need as well as sabotaging the armies. These two were Ellis Burns from Emberlynnd and Saul Stevens from Crysalia the two gods saw all they were doing and offered to merge with them Granting each of them the power of their god to allow them to end the war. Ellis and Saul agreed to become the host bodies for the gods and they managed to end the war. When the war was over both kingdoms were left without leaders so by popular request Ellis and Saul became the leaders merging the two kingdoms into the Kingdom of Mythica. The two gods swore to stay with the leaders of the Mythica as long as they were just. Therefore the crowns of Mythica pass to the people who are chosen to host and connect with the gods, one gets chosen by the water dragon and the other by the fire phoenix.


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