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The Somnumonkey is a rare ape found only in the Forest of Dreams. The ape is of a deep reddish hue, with the males sporting a strong crimson mane. Both the males and females are covered head to toe in long, soft hair. One touch of their hair is enough to put any living thing into a deep sleep; as of now there is no known way to awaken a person who has suffered this fate.
However, when harvested, Somnumonkey hair can be put to medicinal use, often used in sleeping aids and calming rubs. It should be noted that the hair must be prepared properly and with great care, lest it's effects be too potent or the alchemist preparing it fall ill themselves.


The best methods for harvesting Somnumonkey hair have been debated across schools of wizardry for decades; what is given in this article is simply the recommended method described by the Alemists Guild of Perry, as of 2001.
To harvest Somnumonkey hair, one must first venture deep into the Forest of Dreams, as is the beast's only known habitat. It is recommended to take with you a guide, as the Forest has a way of bewitching the mind, making it easy to get oneself lost. Find a large, hollow tree, with strong roots; these trees are where the apes prefer to abide, as they have better vision in low light conditions, being nocturnal creatures, and prefere the dark. Carefully check the hollow for a Somnumonkey; if the hollow is empty, move on. If not, proceed to lift the creature gently out of the hollow, with a spell or with gloves, and place it on the ground. The beast should be lethargic during the day. If you're careful, you can shear it's hair so long as your entire body is covered; leave no skin bare. Remember: NEVER enter the Forest of Dreams at night. This can only be attempted during the day, as that's when the Somnumonkey is most docile. Collect the hair in an airtight container and leave, as you must be clear of the tree line before night falls.


NEVER work with Somnumonkey hair without gloves.
To prepare the hair, carefully remove it from it's container and place it in a crushing device, like a mortar. Use a pestle, or similar device, to grind the hair into a fine dust. Add exactly 1 1/4 teaspoon of salt water to the dust and stir. Once mixed in well, the mixture must sit in the sun to bake. This baking process will determine the potency of the ingredient; for instructions on specific baking times, see your recipe. Once baked, the now viscous mixture can be stored safely in glass viles and stored at room temperature. Do not let it freeze, as below freezing temperatures will kill the potency of the mixture. Nor can you let it burn, for the same reason.
Somnmonkey hair is a fairly common ingredient in the cabinets of experienced alchemists and wizards, but among most common sorcerers it is rarely seen, due to the difficulty in acquiring it. Always approach this ingredient with great caution, and if you do find yourself in need of it, take every precaution in ensuring the safe and humane use of this rare item.
- Prof. Sersi Stardust, Registered Grade III Achemist
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

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