Introduction to The Father

The Father

The father is a true demigod born of the god Gora, Gora is the god of life. The Father is named so because he is the father of all of the race of Gorakin. He is incredibly powerful and full of wisdom he is a diplomatic leader and the Emperor of the world. He is a sorcerer of unmatched power, possessed of ancient wisdom and power.


The Father has a long history of violence, being the most responsible for The Great War. Having conquered the world through bloodshed, he is known largely for his unforgiving ways, he directly fought in some battles during The Great War, in which he was hurt by The Lord King Bavi, whom he killed     home page

His age is unknown, he is most likely immortal however this is not known for a fact. He is mostly aloof - spending a large portion of his time within the Palace of Entra, he has not left the palace in five years. The last time he left was to meet with The Lord General


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Jul 24, 2023 18:46

Feel free to comment your opinions, I am sure I have much to improve on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the world of gora.