Duke Harald Kargard Character in Gormshagghal | World Anvil
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Duke Harald Kargard

Harald Kargard, born to pagan island folk, distinguished himself as a natural leader amongst his island people early on. He united the various clans of the island and put an end to inter-clan warring. Emperor Soliestas appointed him Duke of Harrbyorg at the age of 50, and since then he has strengthened the island nation, establishing a powerful navy and building Harrbyorg into a prosperous Dukedom. An ambitious man, the Duke is not entirely happy under imperial rule and has recently taken it upon himself to begin exploring uncharted regions to the south, discovering a large island which he settled and named Kargardia. The Empire is hesitant to curb his exploring activities. Duke Harald's navy has come to form a vital part of the Imperial Defense forces, and opposing him would not be wise. Since the death of the Emperor, Imperial Proctor Althidor Lusan has struggled to know what to do with this ambitious and formidable old veteran.
Current Location
Year of Birth
153264 79 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to hardy island folk, Duke Harald Kargard distinguished himself early on as a warrior and explorer.
Bright blue
Ruled Locations

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