We had all agreed, me and my boys, to sneak out of our beds tonight and join the baltenfolk around the campfire, where they tell the real stories. Doing this was quite the risk seeing as most of the parents had expicitly forbbiden to even talk to them. In contrast to that we experienced a warm welcome and enjoyed the cheery mood aroun this campfire. As we heard the tales of the clan elder, we learnt a little about the far away lands and also about the customs of the traveling folk and how they always seek adventure and challenge in life and never settle down. As he told us his stories we imagined how it would be, going out into the world, making our own fortune, slaying monsters and living a free life.
Naming Traditions
Weibliche Namen
Agne, Aines, Gabija, Jatscha, etc.
Männliche Namen
Adomas, Ainar, Sascha, Filipe, etc.
Koft, Belt, Fost, etc.
Übliche Etikette
Their etiquette is pretty loose compared to other ethnicities, but it is very important to treat the elders with a lot of respect.
Verbreitete Tabus
Disrespecting elders.
Verbreitete Mythen und Legenden
They have a lot of different stories to tell, both made up and true, though most are a mixture of both. Some stories are always coming back in different alterations, so there are some classics and of course the latest news of the place they came from. As an nomadic group they are in most cases the only source of information about the current political state in regions, which don't experience a lot of traffic.
They generally consider mostpeople beautiful and also base their romantic desicions more on personality than on anything else.
Women and men are equal as far as most things are concerned, but men tend to drink more and be less responsible at young ages, which is a part of their nature as humans.
The rules are enforced by the elders of the clan which also dictate punishments and restrictions.
Pre marriage there are no strict rules on romance, but once they have decided to marry someone they stay with them their entire life. Widows and widowers don't marry again.
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