What the hell is BECMI D&D? in Grand Duchy of Peadarmeikos (Mystara Campaign) | World Anvil
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What the hell is BECMI D&D?

BECMI stands for Basic/Expert/Companion/Master/Immortal. Each was a box set of game system that developed in parallel to early Advanced D&D, that while sharing many of the same characteristics and mechanics, developed its own unique flavour and gameplay style.  

Why does BECMI exist?

  To explain this requires a brief history lesson. In the 70s a group of Gamers in the midwest United States took a table top strategy game called Chainmail, in which players controlled armies on a battle fiield, and thought to themselves, what would it be like to roleplay the heroes of these battles instead of just moving armies around. And with that notion Dungeons and Dragons was born.   The most famous of these players was Gary Gygax, a name well known by players new and old. But there was also another key gamer involved, a man by the name of Dave Arneson, who helped Gygax flesh out the original D&D. This game was bought by TSR. A few years later, TSR in league with Gygax sought to cut Arneson out, and came up with 'Advanced Dungeons and Dragons', which they argued was a new game. But due to a clause in the orignal contract, Arneson won the argument that TSR only had the rights to D&D as long as material for the original Game was still being produced.   They were free to produce their 'New' Game, as long as they kept producing material for the original. This was done by an independent team of talented game designers like Frank Menzter, J. Eric Holms and Tom Moldvay. Moldvay and Holms both created rules sets that became know as BX D&D, (Basic Expert). But it was really in 1983, with the release of Frank Menzter's Red Box Basic set, that BECMI was born and took a life of its of it, and became a game in its own independent right rather than just be a promotional sideline for AD&D. This box set also was the that with the aid of artist Larry Elmore, created this iconic cover that is well known to players of all generations

  The Basic edition took players through the fundamentals of what Role-Playing was. It introduced players to the classes of Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric, and Thief, as well as the Demi-human classes of Dwarf, Halfling, and Elf. These were classes to themselves. The Basic rules focused on the Dungeon Crawl. These poor inexperienced people embarking on an adventure to fight monsters and find treasures, in caves and ruins, and dungeons. They were not superheroes, just ordinary people, who through their exploits could gain skills and powers and become heroes.

  The Expert Box set was for players when they reached 4th Level. This was the set that took the players out of the Dungeon, and had them exploring the world at large, and through their adventures shaping it, and making a name for themselves. By foot, horse, wagon, boat, or various other means, the characters discover the world, the different nations, cultures, and history. Players actions can have a real impact on the world, and in facing various foes and challenges shape the very history going forward.  

    The Companion Set covers levels 15-25, where the characters often have domains to rule over, and defend. Deals with building fortresses, running economies, assembling armies, and mass combat, as well as engaging in Adventures that have massive impacts on world affairs.  

  The Master Set deals with levels 26-36 where the characters adventure across the entirety of the Multiverse, across the Planes, dealing with issues of truly epic proportions. This set also deals with players who aspire towards questing to ascend to become Immortals.  

  The players are literally God-like Entities dealing with the higher workings of the Multiverse.

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