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Water Dragon

The Water Dragons live in the Red Sea that surrounds the island of Grandel Isle. They do not go past the four islands that are around the mountainous landmass. The only place they don't go is to the north part. That part of the sea is owned by the Winged Dragons.   The Water Dragons' scales are a metallic purple that flashes when they leap out of the red seawater. They are three hundred feet in length and the girth of a blue whale. They have a fin on each of their sides and on the end of their tails. Spines travel through the fins and beyond, ending in spikes that rip through any hind or flesh. Their faces are feline-like, with short snots. Around their great heads are small spiky horns. On their snots are wispy tentacles that look like whiskers. In their mouths are rows of silver teeth. They have two large red eyes that can see in the darkest depths of the sea. They can eat anything, and their bodies can break down or expel any poison or venom. The one thing that their bodies can not handle is high temperature. Because of this, they must live in underwater caves on the east side of Grandel Isle.   They are fearsome creatures that patrol the waters around Grandel Isle. Their eyes can see in the inky depths of the dark crimson waters. They feed on the aquatic wildlife that have adapted to the poisonous sea. When the sea had first been tainted, the great dragons relied mostly on the foul that would come too close to the water for food and the fish that fled to the seafloor.   Unlike the other dragons, Water Dragons have live births. They are marsupials, but it is the fathers that carry the children in their pouch. Once they get to the length of a school bus, it emerges from its father's shelter. From that point, they are taught and raised by both parents. It takes ten years for a Water Dragon to reach its full body size, but it is taught how to shoot its water booms from the day it fully emerges and no longer flees to the safety of its father's pouch.

Basic Information


Serpent with two side fins and a mermaid tail. Metallic purple scales and red cat eyes. Silver-bladed teeth at tears through flesh like butter. Tentacles on their muzzles.

Biological Traits

Water Dragons are the largest and only known dragon to live in the water on Grandel.

Genetics and Reproduction

The mothers have live births after five months. They are marsupials and the baby goes into the father's pouch where they will stay for another five months without emerging.

Growth Rate & Stages

When the baby is born they are only two feet. After five more months in dad's pouch. When they come out they are ten feet. They continue to grow and spend less time in dad's pouch until they reach fifty feet. For the next ten years they continue to grown to somewhere around three hundred feet.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer the east side of Grandel Isle. The Red Sea is cooler on that side of the island. They sleep in caves there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivores. They will make a meal of anything in the Red Sea, that they don't call friend.

Biological Cycle

They shed their teeth yearly.


They live in family units but are united as a clan. There are few predators for the Water Dragons and none that come into their ground. When there has been the few they fight as a unit.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Family Units Clan

Facial characteristics

Short muzzle, Red cat eyes, Tenticels on sides of the muzzle, Silver-bladed teeth

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They stay within a hundred mile radius of Grandel Isle.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see in the dark depths of the sea. They have wispy tentacles on their face that can detect temperature change, movement, destress calls. They slap their tail fin on the top of the water that sends a sound wave through the Red Sea for miles.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Male  Female

Courtship Ideals

Females stay with their family units until a male comes for her. The male must meet the approval of her father before the courtship can start. If two males come, it is the father that makes the decisions which male is allowed to court his daughter. The old ways are dying, though, and slow females are having a say in their future.

Relationship Ideals

Mate for life

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Water Dragons speak the language they brought from Earth, English, and all have a musical tone to their voice when they speak.


When the Water Dragons were on Earth they were pushed to the point of extension. There were only five of them left when they reached what would later be called Saltville.
Grandel the Battleground for all Earths.
Species   Dragon, Serpent   Defense   Water Booms   Water Spray   Spins on fins   Teeth   Immune to all poison and venom
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
Water Dragons were almost driven to extinction when humans found a way to steal their magic. When the dragons fled Earth there were only five left. As of today, thousands are thriving in the Red Sea.
Average Weight
5500 lbs.
Average Length
300 feet
Average Physique
Muscular in their serpent body.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shades of purple
Geographic Distribution

The Queen's Protector (The Prologue and First Two Chapters)

Cover image: Water Dragon by Cecelia Dawn Miles


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