P-series 91C "Melt Vine" Species in Grandom | World Anvil
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P-series 91C "Melt Vine"

Basic Information


Melt vine is a brown vine that curve's around whatever it is latched on to, across the vine small red spots, which often have a black flower. Its roots feed off of the energy the remains in the Doomfire Gorge, unlike other P-series it does not require water, this was a fluke, but when it was discovered it thrived within the Gorge it was planted there. It's roots are extremely hard, as it must bury into the rock to leach off of the energy. The main vine is semi-strong, it can bend, but it takes effort to break.

Growth Rate & Stages

Vines often begin their growth after attached to the rock they want to leach off of, after around thirty hours the roots reach the energy within rocks allowing it to grow, curling around the rock. It rarely moves downward, as it does not like to move towards the molten rock. After it reaches the top, it starts to bloom it's flowers. At first it's flowers are white, after they blacken the vine stops growing and simply keeps itself alive until it's rock runs out of energy and dies, or it's cut and dies.

Ecology and Habitats

It mainly rests in the Doomfire Gorge for it's large amounts of energy left over from the battle of Eden. The molten rock that rests at the bottom of the gorge discourage the vine from advancing to that area. However it likes the warm upper area of the gorge. The large spikes of rock are it's main resting place, but it does grow along flat areas. Some have been observed to grow on the ledge of the gorge, though this is rare.
Scientific Name
P-series 91C
Geographic Distribution

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