BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

House Rules

Character Creation Rules:

Advanced Point buy

Instead of the usual point buy system you instead have 28 points and can buy stats from 4-16. See values on the table on the right/bottom of the page.   Examples:
16 15 14 14 10 4: total score of 73
16 16 14 14 8 4: total score of 72
16 15 15 14 8 4: total score of 72
15 15 15 14 10 4: total score of 73
16 16 16 16 4 4: total score of 72
13 13 13 13 13 11: total score of 76
Point buy Calculator (edit custom rules before using)

Free Feat or Lineage

At level 1 you gain an additional feat of your choice from this list or a Half-Sangurean lineage from this list.

Background and Starting Equipment

Instead of taking a regular background and starting equipment, you gain proficiency in two skills and in a combination of two languages, tools or weapons of your choice. Additionally you gain 300 gp, which you can spend on any (link)equipment(link) you want and a magic item from this (link)list(link), that is available in your starting region.

Hit Dice

When determining the extra hit points you gain when you level up, always take the average of the Hit Die (rounded up) + your Constitution modifier.

Gameplay Rules:

Additional Attunement Slot

Once you reach 9th level, you gain an additional attunement slot.

Better Potions

Drinking a potion requires a bonus action instead of an action. If you administer a potion to a creature other than yourself it still takes an action to do so. You can also use an action to drink a healing potion to forgo rolling and restore the maximum value of hit points. Taking out a potion is part of the bonus action or action and does not use up your free object interaction.

Carried Tiny Creature

If you carry a tiny creature that isn't a player character, it can be considered an object you are carrying for any effect that this would be beneficial for and it occupies the same space as you. It is also considered to have full cover even if it isn't fully covered. This effect stops as soon as you stop carrying that creature, are dying or die.

Cease Resisting

You can willingly fail any saving throw of your choice.

Critical Two-Diced Weapon

If an effect allows you to roll an additional weapon damage die when you land a critical hit and the weapon you dealt the critical hit with has two base damage dice, then you can roll both of them an additional time instead.


The dying condition replaces the unconscious condition. A dying creature is impacted, falls prone and is unable to stand up, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage. When it uses an action it gains 3 levels of exhaustion, when it uses a reaction or opportunity attack it gains 2 levels of exhaustion, when it uses a bonus action it gains 1 level of exhaustion and when it regains hit points without being stabilized first, it gains 1 level of exhaustion.


When you gain a level of exhaustion, you subtract 1 from all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws you make and from your saving throw DC. This stacks cumulative until you die once you reach exhaustion level 10. You can remove 1 level of exhaustion when you sleep or when you are revived with 10 levels of exhaustion.


The impacted condition replaces the incapacitated condition. An impacted creature is unable to concentrate on spells and features. Additionally, on its turn it can choose to either move, use an action or use a bonus action. If it chose one of the three, it is unable to choose another, even if the impacted condition is resolved during its turn.

Improved Two Weapon Fighting

Once per turn, when you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you’re wielding with one hand, you can make an additional attack with a different light melee weapon that you’re wielding with the other hand. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the additional attack, unless that modifier is negative. You can also throw either weapon, instead of making a melee attack with it. You can only benefit from one feature other than Extra Attack, granting you an additional attack within the attack action at a time.

Improvised Thrown Weapons

When you throw a weapon you are proficient with without the thrown property, it still deals its normal damage but has a short range of 10 feet and a long range of 20 feet.

Light Strikes

Unarmed strikes and natural weapons have the light property and are considered to be simple melee weapons you are wielding.

Parallel Familiar

Any creature you summon or that is said to take its turn immediately after yours, instead takes its turn parallel to yours.


A paralyzed creature can't move or take actions and reactions, is unable to concentrate on spells and features, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage.


A petrified creature is paralyzed as well as transformed into stone, increasing its weight by a factor of ten, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, which renders it unaware of its surroundings and unable to speak and age. Additionally it has resistance to all damage and immunity to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.

Protected Sleep

When you sleep in an unsafe location, you are unable to take a long rest but still need to behave like taking one to omit gaining a level of exhaustion. You can still take a short rest during that time. If you sleep in a semi-safe location while doing so and had a combat encounter earlier that day, you gain back one function you would usually only gain back when taking a long rest. Semi-safe locations include: Galder's Tower, Instant Fortress, Tiny Hut;

Quick Draw and Stow

Drawing or stowing a weapon does not use up your free object interaction and can be done as part of any attack. Additionally you can don a shield without using an action, when you roll initiative.

Rapid Spellcasting

When you use your bonus action to cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can also use your action to cast another spell of 1st level or higher. However if you cast two or more spells in a single turn only one of them can be 3rd level or higher.

Revised Conditions

The dying condition replaces the unconscious condition. A dying creature is impacted, falls prone and is unable to stand up, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage. When it uses an action it gains 3 levels of exhaustion, when it uses a reaction or opportunity attack it gains 2 levels of exhaustion, when it uses a bonus action it gains 1 level of exhaustion and when it regains hit points without being stabilized first, it gains 1 level of exhaustion.   Exhaustion
When you gain a level of exhaustion, you subtract 1 from all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws you make and from your saving throw DC. This stacks cumulative until you die once you reach exhaustion level 10. You can remove 1 level of exhaustion when you sleep or when you are revived with 10 levels of exhaustion.   Impacted
The impacted condition replaces the incapacitated condition. An impacted creature is unable to concentrate on spells and features. Additionally, on its turn it can choose to either move, use an action or use a bonus action. If it chose one of the three, it is unable to choose another, even if the impacted condition is resolved during its turn.   Paralyzed
A paralyzed creature can't move or take actions and reactions, is unable to concentrate on spells and features, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage.   Petrified
A petrified creature is paralyzed as well as transformed into stone, increasing its weight by a factor of ten, along with any nonmagical object it is wearing or carrying, which renders it unaware of its surroundings and unable to speak and age. Additionally it has resistance to all damage and immunity to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.   Stunned
A stunned creature is impacted, can't take reactions, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage.

Somatic Spellcasting

You can perform somatic components of a spell with a hand that's holding a spellcasting focus, even if the spell doesn't require material components.

Strength Intimidation

When you make an Intimidation ability check, you can use your Strength modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.


A stunned creature is impacted, can't take reactions, automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against it have advantage.


To surprise a creature, you can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check contested by the creatures passive Wisdom (Perception). If you successfully surprise one or more creatures, then your first turn in combat starts before any surprised creature can take its turn, regardless of your initiative roll. On that turn you gain an additional action or bonus action that can only be used to do something other than making an attack or forcing someone to make a saving throw.


You can train to gain proficiency in a language, skill, tool or weapon. To do so you must find an instructor and spend six workweeks minus your Intelligence modifer to complete your training. This costs 250 gp or 200 gp if someone instructs you for free, the remaining cost represents the needed supplies. The number of proficiencies you can be trained in equals double your Intelligence modifer (minimum of 1). You can choose to forget a trained proficiency to train in another. Eligible skills to train are: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, Performance, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Survival;                 create potions rule   travel distance rule move speed * miles, because of 10 hour travel 4-6h rest               level switch above lvl 10 rule   small race heavy weapons instead strength? str 13 for d10 weapons str 15 for d12 weapons, otherwise disadvantage?     8h is full day rule   improvised thrown weapon count as melee?   magic item dawn reset only if fight? or all dawn gain back 100%?  

change feat if reach asi point?

    summon horde rule  

Upcasted Healing

When you upcast a healing spell that adds your spellcasting ability modifier to the hit points it restores, you can add your spellcasting ability modifier for each level you upcast it as well.

Class and Spell Modifications:



2nd-level monk feature
You gain additional ki points equal to your proficiency bonus.   Ability Score Improvement
10th-level monk feature
When you reach 10th level, you gain an additional ability score improvement or feat of your choice.   dedicated weapon must only not not have heavy, can have special     goodberry   thunderwave   paladin lay on hands   spore druid   artificer humunculus   booming blade   rage
Score Modifier Cost Total Cost
4 -3 +2 +8
5 -3 +2 +6
6 -2 +2 +4
7 -2 +2 +2
8 -1 -0 -0
9 -1 -1 -1
10 +0 -1 -2
11 +0 -1 -3
12 +1 -1 -4
13 +1 -1 -5
14 +2 -2 -7
15 +2 -2 -9
16 +3 -2 -11


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