Brass Demiurge


The deity of creation and all great works, and patron and creator of the Din, his color is Cyan, and he rules the cultivation of all energies which may then be utilized.   Though the Demiorgos broked no rulers, Brass took the duty of directing the most illuminated and promising of the masses, and thus he favors symbols of lordship

Divine Domains

Creation, Lightning, Rulers.


The Brass Demiurge famously had an Oracle-Empress who served as

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Automata! They're pseudo-Mesopotamian, so angelic works too. The Iconic would be a clockwork Sphinx or Lamassu. Angels (including cosmic horror-flavor) work too. Symbols of rulership are also common. "Angel" is a class unto itself in Dis-- they're the Demiorgos' ex-servants from pre-severing that are still knocking around.   Brass introduced himself as a sky and storm god, so they're abundantly mechanical, clockwork, electricity and wings. He liked Cats, Raptorial Birds, and Spiders.

Tenets of Faith

Go big, build fast, break things.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Brass was unquestionably a maniac, a frenzied creator who valued Great Works in all things. Thus, he disregards the weak, brushes off failures, and believes that one great person can change the world, for good or ill. While he policed rulers to ensure they were "just", his rather dim moral compass meant he was a tyrant himself.   It is no surprise then, that his chosen species, the Din ended up Capitalists.
Divine Classification