
Human and Din salvagers who sail and pick the Northern Darkess.   Closer you get to the storm, the grimmer the tribes get, with the ones who sail the Auroral Storms of the Northern Darkness  to Zu , those who return are the stuff of living legend.
Darklanders are largely maritime.
Permanent settlements are on large ice floe clusters that have big big animal traffic. There’s not enough to go around to worry too much about conflict, so tribal affiliation’s pretty fluid out of necessity.
Responsibility and trust is a matter of public safety. There’s an expectation that you have “heard this before”, and are to act on it.
Kids get a pass but everything’s built to move on a dime if the game dries up or you get too close to the storms. They have a big culture of utility and social Face. and it’ll be a product of extensive community outreach. Any bestiary additions take influence without being direct rips from the mythology. It’s a wink and a nudge without being distracting. I’m reading one reliable book of several right now.
There’s a lot of salvage up there, and there’s little room for error. Their tech is above-average and exotic.
They also have Lamia, who look a little like seals.