Irenic Imperium Of Ophibastris

A young country, by Oligarch chronology, speaking, Ophibastris is under two centuries old (founded 166 BSY), having been promoted from an unsettled region to a principality under Princeza Anassa Hextos Vec'Ophibastrans, founded by her grandfather (along with her lineage, and nation)   A cold rain forest nestled in a massive, lake-filled basin, the largest of those formed by snowmelt from the seven teeth, Ophibastris is a beautiful and "mysterious" empire on the frontier, a place where creatures such as Lamia, Harpy and Naga are as common as the Fey, Xianist machines from Zu and consecrated gas-powered warmachina from Shemarkhan rumble through the streets of Veculamium, and Wyrms slumber in rune-carved caves in the icy mountains or red earth of the frontier of the Teeth and Maugris.   ...The irenic tranquility of Ophibastris is a propaganda tool. The fertile rice paddies are watered regularly with blood, to say nothing of the fact that the mighty Wyrms are becoming more active and Shemarkhani seem unclear whether they and Ophibastris are at war or not.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities