Kingdom of Dahambiya (Dahambiya, from Daham-, Arabic, "darken")

Unfortunately positioned as a barrier island between two belligerent cuperpowers and neighbors to a massive megadungeon that belches monsters from across the planet, Dahambiya has very good reason for how calculated and pragmatic their leadership has to be.   Naturally volcanic, Dahambiya is a recently "born" island chain (in a geologic sense), and the highly volcanic soil is highly conducive to agriculture, maintained properly, and thus the native Dahambiyans have a very close and personal view of their mother island.   Dahambiua is a wealthy coastline archipelago notable for its rich, verdant earth soil, and recently, highly opportunistic maneuvers by the Dahambiyan Ade (means "Crown". It's a neuter term). They're in all practical matters a constitutional monarch, acknowledged at least well into the age of towers by feudal authorities among all three Heavened Races.   For its size, Dahambiya's got a massive military and a deeply fortified territory. The military, and by extension the Ade run a great deal and it kinda works. Dahambiya's had a long line of good Ades for seven generations, and the most recent one, Ade Remilekun is still young, but a proud woman, and has been courting the Catharate's favor since she was a young girl.

Foreign Relations

While Dahambiyans have taken

Dark Earth / Silver Wind / Our Fortress

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Adeland (domestic term)
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy